If you follow me on social media, you’d know know I took a two week vacation from work this summer. I have taken a lot of roles at work that I literally was ( still doing it 🤣) doing 3 roles at the same time while preparing for a major inspection. My husband is so patient, God bless him! ❤️
Anyway, because of lack of time and poor planning—- mostly poor planning and lack of funds 😂 coz even though I am doing 3 roles, I’m not exactly paid anything close to anything that would have buffered my finances. And let’s admit it, I am better with sporadic planning. Oh shoot, before this becomes a rant, I’d better do a u-turn and just talk about my summer.
We took daytrips, in fact some days just staying in, sleeping in late and just getting up when hungry. Boy, those are the best! The kids have their own schedules, Pherry has internship, KC works at JCrew, Josh—- he just doesn’t think it’s cool hanging out with me. 😌 I learned very early on that with parenting, it’s listening that goes a long way. I have to give in and accept that my kids are adulting and maybe I should get used to living life without them.
Here’s a few pictures where we went! Edit: I guess with this app, I can only load 10 photos!