Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bayong, Wal-Mart version

I saw these at Wal-Mart. Brings back mermories of the bayong or bay-ong as we call them in Ilokano. We use these for everyday things, mostly for market produce. You like? They came in black and white.

And these assorted weaves. This is reaaly reminiscent of the market type in the provinces of the Philippines.

 I think I'll stick with the black and white version, how about you?

Went to Wal-Mart early to buy this

...and heard Charice's Pyramid playing, then the Chipmunks DVD teaser was on. Too bad, did not catch the part where she was singing because Venice was on the phone inviting me for lunch. This, only at 8am after
dropping the kids off to school. My day is starting. Happy Thursday peeps!