Another year? Well, last year, I wrote about this...and I got a lot of responses. It's just one of those matter-of-factly-we-are-friends conversation. I love writing like this. Maybe I am not meant to be a technical writer nor a journalistic one. So, let's talk, shall we?
1. Let's get it out of the way--- I still hate dandruff. Yup, I do. You all know that but here's the ugly part, Pherry has dandruff. Is it a teenager thing? Man, I hate it. I screamed when I was hugging him one morning and I saw those "snow" in his head. KC got scared and both asked why I was screaming and making a grim face. You all know why. Yuck!
2. We always hear "life is short, let's make it worthwhile". But it brings so much more meaning to me now more than ever. Please pray for the soul of my mother-in-law and fast recovery of a fellow Filipino now recovering here in Boston MA.
3. My 2 Boston bestfriends are the greatest. If I have to live my life again, I'd still want to be friends with them. I love you SolSister and HG.
4. My niece Pits is my BFF--for life. And yeah, I owe her $2945.00 AND that's not why I said she is my BFF. Hahhahah.
5. I have the most adorable kids. Pherry, KC and Josh are my redemption.
6. I realized how tolerant I am more than I give credit to myself.
7. I am so not enjoying my worklife right now. Refer to number 6.
8. Bon Chon is my fave restaurant of the year. Beat Minado for 2012.
9. I have a girl crush on Xtina. But boy, do I love Blake!
10. I'd love to go to San Francisco in 2013. Let's make it happen Mr. Hubbs.
11. I have not done a decent spa day since I started my new job.
12. I am grateful of my profession now more than ever. We were at Cheesecake Factory last Monday and a Filipino lady automatically assumed I was a nurse ( not that there is anyhting wrong with that, I would gladly be one if I can), she said " mga nurse kayo ano? I said, " hindi po." Ay, eh anong trabaho mo? ( Paki mo?) I almost said, "blogger po". But the good girl won and I said meekly, " med tech po". She said, Oh, di dapat nag duktor ka? To which I retorted, " hay, wag na po, mukhang marami na po kayo masyado. She said, " hindi ako doctor, nurse ako. " Alam ko po. Gets niyo?
13. I love red lipstick. MAC Ruby Woo and MAC Russian Red are my fave. I wear them to mass, work and when I go to Stop and Shop and Goodwill. Basically, everywhere. Inaapropriate? Maybe. Makes me happy? Yes!
14. Someone told me " friend, di ka pa umaalis sa kusina ah". I almost said, di ka pa umaalis sa Kapangitan ah. But I said " sinasamahan ko lang itong pamangkin namin na taga Michigan. Itsura. Ate, manalamin ka nga. Hmmmmp.
15. You really get to know your true friends in times of sorrow. My friends who I rarely see due to family and work commitments or just simply for being too far away from each other showed up at my monther-in-law's wake and burial.
16. There are so many grateful people. There are a few complainers and they make so much noise, it drowns Peace and Prosperity. Oh, Peace and Prosperity, how I chase you!
17. I don't feel any love towards iPhone 5. Seriously. Or maybe, I juct can't afford it. More likely.
18. I need a PC like I need air.
19. I need another bag like I need a toothache. So, no bags. Shhhh. Let's not make the Bagfairy upset.
20. I tend to forget lunch most of the time yet I am still gaining weight.
21. I wish the Patriots would win the SuperBowl this year. Please don't break my heart. Please...
22. Mr. Hubbs is becoming a great cook. Yup, I now believe in "practice makes perfect".
23. I have to teach myself not to get so disappointed when I meet my virtual friends.
24. My penmanship is getting worse. If you know me, now you know why I write emails. Sorry.
25. I still do not get the concept of saving. Sorry.
26. I have so much admiration to cancer/calamity survisors. Great great positivity. I salute them more than those self-proclaiming over achievers.
27. Instagram is my 2012 best discovery.
28. I have been bad lately. I have not been to mass for at least 75% of the time for the last 3 months. Shame.
29. There is more to life than bags. Yeah right.
30. I hate it when I see people using free medical care but have lavish lifestyles--- cars, fancy shoes and bags, vacations and such. Really? I pay so much taxes and I pay high deductible for you, so please stop spending my money.
31. I am easy to please but hard to impress. With family and friends like mine, not a single person can impress me with just " looks and wealth". To impress me, you have to do a lot of good advocacy for the needy AND be quiet about it. Then, I am impressed.
32. I tend to gravitate towards happy people now. Drama and stress is so 1990s. Right?
33. I have to learn how to ride a bike, do skating and real swimming. On that note, I have to re-learn that shopping, people watching and internet navigating ARE not sports. So be it. Help me God.
34. I have to buy Lady DIor. Yes Ma'am, Lady Dior before Celine Luggage.
35. I am looking forward to the things that make me happy. Friends, family, vacations, frozen soda, red lipsticks, dancing in the rain, spa day, Netflix, Glee and The Voice. Also, tinola, maggang hilaw and binatog. Simple things make me happy. Pass the taho, please.
36. I wish to have a humongous reunion with my cousins on my mother's side of the family. My cousins are lovely people.
37. I wish everyone has family and friends like mine. It's a treasure.
I am grateful for all the blessing The Almighty has showered me and my family. I continue to cherish even the simplest things in life, like a freshly brewed coffee and a tiny drizzle in the morning. I have a lot of dreams and aspirations but for now, I am content with what I have and I share what little things I can. I hope all my family nad friends realize how happy I am to be surrounded by this much love.
With that, I leave you with these photos. I have more pictures but for now, let me buy myself a computer so I can blog my life away.
Here's a picture on my birthday dinner hosted by Mr. Hubbs;
With my "sponsor". Thanks RN Eric