Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Happy birthday KC

Today, you are 14, yet still so simple and non-frizzy--- never too girly! And I love it that way.

Remember I love you so much! You're growing up to be more like me ever.single.day! My goodness! 

Continue your love of books and reading. It will pave the way to a wonderful world out there waiting for you.

Do not let the "noise" of the world bother you nor the "push" of teenage life. Just be steadfast in your faith and family. We are always here for you and truly believe you are a strong girl who can surpass life's challenges.

I love you princess! Dad loves you and your brothers may not show much, but I know they deeply care. Remember this morning, with Kuya? Hahah! 

Everyone, here's my beautiful daughter at 14!

Our gift?!

A $25 gift card and we are going to see Rick Riordan on October 7th and pre-ordered his latest book--- he will sign it for her!

"For everything I've done, He gave you to me, you are my redemption."--Mom