We usually attend mass in Holbrook, St. Joseph Parish. Although we live in Quincy now, we still go there for two reasons: Father Ed is great and we go to the in-laws for free and great lunch after. Although the kids go to Sunday school in St. Joseph parish in Quincy ( confusing, eh?), we mostly attend mass in Holbrook, although we find ourselves attending the Filipino mass in St. John's Quincy once a month. The Filipino apostolate in Boston celebrates mass in Quincy every fourth Sunday of the month. I should go every month but... I'll tell you why i don't in another post. Meanwhile, Hubby's family were there. My sister-in-law Lourdes is celebrating her birthday that same day. The highlight for me though was meeting (unintentionally) my Friendster ( remember, LOL) friend. Surreal. I have never met her, just seeing pictures and occasionally commenting on each others posts and pictures. We were on the elevator and she looked familiar, we both said hi and I was like, "you're my friend, my friendster friend!' I know, very weird. Sadly, all she could say was, " yes, Bernadette, oh my, fabulous bags, we should get together." She can only remeber my "fab" bags. Not ME, MY bags. Sad indeed. Here's a picture of me with her friend and my Pherry.

She's the one on my left, and if you were wondering what her name is, I was too. But I could not bring myself to ask. I figured i could ask her a little later. That later came to an embarassing moment for me. While Hubby was taking the picture, her husband came over and ask if Josh was my son and I nodded. He politely introduced himself and the next thing should be to politely introduce myself and his wife to my husband. Sensing the hesitation from me, she gladly introduced herself, "my name is Eva." Lesson learned. I will, from now on try to know all the names of my online friends just in case.
We later watched the now historic USA-Canada Olympic hockey finals. A true nail-biter. USA lost! Darn! One of the best games though! Around 6PM, we headed to Chateau, an Italian dining in nearby Braintree, but not before picking up Pherry at his classmate's in Quincy. He needed to finish a project with Andy.
The place is nice and the food is okay, the price is great. The service is awful. We waited for an hour, they were rushing us all the time, and the bread is cold, dead cold, plus the butter is as solid as a block. I'll giveit another try and I will tell you how it is. I'll give them another chance.
I missed taking pictures of the others because we were all hungry by then. Here are pictures of the birthday celebrant.
I wish I will look as great as her when I reach her age. I will not reveal her age. Here's me being photographed by Pherry, he was having fun making fun of me.
That's all folks. Hope you all had a good weekend. I love my friends... my Pilipinas shirt by Rhett Eala of Collezione is a gift by my good friend Ella Ganda. Thanks girl, it matches my patent leather Sabrina Coach bag, which is yummy by the way! Mwaaah!