Friday, December 14, 2012

Brag Day

Hay naku, can't wait for Monday Brag Day. So here...
Pherry told us over dinner that he was in Distinction, you know, kinda higher than High Honors. Yeah, right... but whatever. I know him to be really smart but Distinction? Woaaah, wait a minute, that needs further investigation, LOL.

The following day, the proud parents that we are--- we proceeded to his school and this is what happened....
We looked in Honors column, NO LLAGA. Hmmmm.

... In High Honors
Shocks, so many names but no Llaga. Just Li, Lam, Le, Lei or any Asian variation. ;

Well, well don't take back your gifts yet aunts and uncles! Because he is ....
. .. here. Yup, seriously.
Ok, ok... just in case you did not see. Mr. Hubbs said--- take another picture because it might not be very clear. Ohhhh, stage daddy!!!
Hahahhaha. I thought I was crazy. Seriously, the last picture is not scripted. HE WANTS TO POINT IT OUT! YUP!

After that, the principal  saw us and kinda sheepishly said, "pictures, ha?" I said, " obvious first timers, ha?"
It was all fun. I love it. I love my crazy family. Happy Thursday my lovelies.