Thursday, May 27, 2010
Something to inspire your creativity
There's an in house chef artist in the house! Whoever does this is amazing.... I have seen monkeys and boats here and I have to say she makes them pretty detailed. I have pictures of the rest but I have to do more digging because I changed phones and I can not find some picture files. This is made of radish and Have you seen miniature creations like this before?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Just saying
This is just what I need today. Venti Iced Americano with extra shot of espresso
Sometimes you just gotta let your frustrations go... meaning to finally say what you feel upfront. At work, it is frustrating when someone just does not want to adjust to make everybody's life easier. Sometimes people need to realize it is not about themselves all the time, learn to look around and feel free to accomodate the need of the greater good. Do not force me to push it when you could actually respond when I ask nice the first time... I am not geared/programmed to pretend I am annoyed. just saying.
... and because I am addicted
to Charice... I post it again. I love tracks 8,9,10 aside from Pyramid. Go grab a copy now. I got mine at Wal-Mart! Though I am not a music authority, I might just post an honest review... yes, an honest biased review. Y'all know I love her... how can I? Seriously though, this girl got talent! With Oprah and David Foster's backing... she'll go far!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
First communion of KC and Pherry
Last Sunday, May 16th was a special Sunday for our family. This is the first communion of KC and Pherry. Pherry went to St Joseph's School in Holbrook MA from pre-K to first grade, then we move to another city and by 2005, the Catholic school closest by was closing its doors. Upon research, my husband and I decided we should let them go to the Quincy public school system and made sure we thoroughly followed up on whatever we thought was missing. Academically they excelled, both KC and Pherry have won citywide awards for essay writing, Pherry awarded a presidential academic achievement and his acceptance to the advance placement program for middle school. So we were very happy with the public school program. Needless to say, they needed another side of their life, sustaining their religious growth. We enrolled them to the parish' religious education which hold classes every Suunday year round. It was very enriching for them and very fulfilling for me. I attended a Catholic school so I am always advocating that somehow I needed to be more in touch with my Catholic upbringing and to make sure my children will have the greatest desire to be a Catholic.
We ended up at Milton's at South Shore Plaza, where the sales associate who assisted us is the most pleasant one.

After the unending photos, everyone was hungry. From church to the house is about 20-25 minutes. My friends are troopers. I asked them to help me prepare the fruits, the table and to prepare my lemon grasss juice (gulaman). I am very happy because everyone seems to understand that there is no way for me to have made all this possible without them. As usual, we had so much food, laughter, jokes and the mandatory Filipino karaoke.
Great company always have fun. Mikee, Venice, Grace(2), Ann Marie, PJ, Juliet and Matt seem happy inside while me and Sol with Dom are awaiting the palitaw being prepared by Aiza! Thanks Ice!
Jerome and Reina are patiently awaiting their baby girl. Looks like you look good with kids. I love your gifts, very meaningful. I am awaiting KC's version.
The boys with Sherille. Thanks Sherrile for the effort. Two parties with 2 kids to shuttle and your folks is hard, but you still came to celebrate with us!
Joshua and Keith were inseparable. Dangerous duo. Josh said he is excited to have his first communion.
I would never miss a chance to have picture with Ann. Always fun!
RN Eric and Dom, the most fun and confident men! Bestfriend much?
Thank you everyone! With all the gifts and beautiful cards, my family can not ask for more. I end this post with pictures of beautiful cards expressing support in raising my children in the best Catholic way. It is a blessing to have my children. Perhaps, life will enevitably give us obstacles but knowing I have such beautiful children will make the hurdles easier to navigate. Sometimes, I think it is very difficult to raise 3 children especially here in the US, where there are no househelp but it has been a very wonderful rollercoaster ride. With all the prayers and blessings they have received for the first communion I have one more thing to ask; I pray that they will continually grow towards a life reflective of Christ. You know, to be a good representative of Christ in their family's lives.
As Josh worried that we do not have family sitting with us in church, and being happy after seeing family and friends, I hope that after every sorrow, comes joy, every darkness in their Christian life comes eternal light.
They say, you can not choose your family ( although I would still choose mine if I had too), but you can choose your friends. Seeing all my friends in the church made me realize, I chose well. To those who did not make it, hopefull you still pray with us and hope to see you around to guide KC and Pherry's Christian life. Family is a blessing, friends for me are the ultimate reflection of your self.
I had so much fun, stress preparing. Shopping for KC's dress was the easier part. She is in the borderline of size 10 and 12. The dress I picked out for her was a size 12 because the 10 was a little awkward, lenghtwise. My mother in law had to alter the armhole, otherwise, everything was perfect. Pherry's, on the other hand was streesful. I wanted him to wear all white, but decided against it when I could not find white dress shoes. I decided not to rent eventhough I know that he would probably unable to wear it again. Josh is there anyway. Then I went back to all white suit and thinking I'll just break it up with black shoes and black belt with a pop up color for the tie.
The good thing about going to specialty store is the attention you get. Here the in-house master measures Pherry.
We got this for $99.00, sale! Kaching!
Of course, the dreaded mommy shot.
KC's dress, check, Pherry's suit, check. Now, off we go to shoes. KC's was easy, we went to Nordstrom and pretty much just chose what we wanted. Girls have so much to choose from. She chose this really pretty pair, so I had no objection. Oftentimes, we would clash on colors and style, this time, it was all go. Pherry was a totally different story. Since he got sick, ( anaphylactoid purpura) I postponed shopping for shoes. You see, my boys rarely wear dress shoes and it would be a waste to buy each time. I tell you, they go through shoes like it is melting ice cream. They grow so fast, I feel the need to buy every 3 months or so. Since there is really no need for dress shoes all the time, I only buy if needed be. First communion is one of those times. It was a long ardous task. You see, Pherry hates shopping. Only if you shop Lego can he be enthusiastic. We shopped last minute... say 6pm the day before.
He chose these really cool shoes. Actually, it is the first time we shopped on men's size as opposed to boys/kids size. He picked this pair and refused to try another one. Boys! We bought dress socks and off we go--- to Venice's birthday party. Talk about hectic schedule.
But, that's getting ahead of my story. The invites were another story. I did not want to buy just the usual ones from the big box stores. I ended up buying this brown and cream invite kit from Michael's, a craft and arts store near me. It was cheap and easy to follow the template for printing.
It came with these- main invite, foldable paper ( meant to be a place card, which I made as my sponsor list and request for the sponsors) and the 4-fold envelope, ribbons and address stickers.
The 4-fold envelope is deep brown and very good paper quality.
The inside have a pocket on the left side, to put the "placecard".
Place your printed invite in the main compartment.
Insert the little cards on the pocket.
Attach the decorative ribbons. The kit came with the matching brown ribbon, but I added pink or blue for KC and Pherry's sponsors, respectively.
FOld the envelope back.
Stick the sticker
Place your address stickers on the front.
Watchunid. It is very easy, believe me. With your PC and printer, just follow the template from the manufacturer's website, type your product number, input your own words, and voila! Instant "expensive" looking invite with your personal touch.
Here's the pocket insert.
Main invite. I love it. I had fun doing it, KC helped me, inexpensive and with a personal touch. I encourage everyone who is planning to make invites to try this, it is also a bonding moment when you do it with your children.
Another hurdle done and more to go. Usually, with my parties, I ask help from my friends for preparation. My dear friend Venice's mom is the most awesome cook for Filipino dishes this side of the world. The best part is, she gladly cooks for me. Some other friends pitch in, like Ric who makes the yummiest spaghetti, Ann Marie for mixing drinks, Fridah making the most delicious cassava cake and a few other great friends who pick up the decors, balloons and cake. It is amazing how my friends volunteer and make my task a lot easier. The best part though, is when I ask other friends to entertain/host! Want to know the secret to my great pictures? My friends! Ric ( and Dom, recently), would just pick up the camera and shoot away! So, eventhough I am busy, every moment is captured. Of course, my in laws always prepare the best kare-kare of all time! This time though, it's as if the world conspired on me. Fridah is home in the Philippines, Nanay is sick and my personal cook ( thank you Mommy), is having her own party the day before mine! So, Hubbs and I are in for a hard job, making sure there is food for lunch while we go to church for the ceremony in the morning. So, we started early. Saturday, Hubbs prepared the grounds, making sure every nook and cranny is clean and safe because we will be having children as guests. I went grocery shopping with my sis in law at Kam-Man, a huge Asian supermarket a stone's throw away from my house. I had to be instructed on how to slice, cut and prepare the food because she had to go to work after. So, basically, the vegetables were all cut up, sliced and ingredients were lined up waiting to be cooked. I only had a few dishes in mind and loads of barbecue. I strategically worded the invite as "light lunch". Hahahaha!
We actually ended up sleeping in Holbrook ( where the party is) because we were so tired by then. We woke up early, cooked what can be done and off we go. It took a long time for me to prepare KC's hair. Hers is thin and limp. So I basically curled it tight then comb, making loose curls. Every so often, something always comes up. I like to believe everything is ready. We ended up not having bobby pins to attach her veil and flower headpiece. Disaster! Even when we did, she did not want them because they were "hurting me".
The mass started promptly. Good thing I was able to sneek in a few pictures before we dropped them off to the assembly area.
No photography allowed inside the church. I was kind of sad/disappointed with that because KC and Pherry were assigned first and second reading respectively. It would have been great if I was able to record that moment. They did great! They read clearly, with emotions and managed to look up once in a while. I was a proud Mom. The most emotional though was Hubbs. Before they even got to read, he asked to remind them to read properly, not to go to fast, to pronounce words better, to read aloud... hahhahahhah. He got more reminders than Sister Agnes! Then, after they read and everyone around us were congratulating us, I saw a tear on his eyes! He was so proud of them! He was kind of upset too, that other people were taking photographs and we were not. But you see, even before the mass, KC already told me when she saw the camera that I should not take pictures because they instructed them so. My kids follow the rules, even telling me to bring back the clothes I pick up shopping and decide not to get later. The parish did really well. They made it a family affair to remember. Not only did they let the children receive their communion but made it so that it was a meaningful one for them and their family. Each family is assigned a pew, the communicants, family, sponsors and friends. Before the mass started, we were the only ones there. KC, Pherry, Josh me and Hubbs. Josh was sad, he was telling me how we do not have family, did I invite our friends and all that. Hubbs sent him to check if we got family at the back of the church and he came back sad. Then an older lady came to sit with us, seeing that the sit was empty. I told her it is ok to do so. After a few minute, Hubbs' nieces and nephew came with my good friend Mikee. That made Josh happy. When it was time to receive communion, only the communicants and their family are called in front, the communicants are surrounded by the family and sponsors, the priest say a little blessing and then gives communion to the kids then family and friends. During communion, we saw more sponsors and friends. That made Josh happier! He was waving his hand and saying, there's our friends and family, we got a lot of family now! We had pictures with Father Vinnie and the sponsors with friends. It was such a beautiful day. Sunny and bright with the right temperature.
After the unending photos, everyone was hungry. From church to the house is about 20-25 minutes. My friends are troopers. I asked them to help me prepare the fruits, the table and to prepare my lemon grasss juice (gulaman). I am very happy because everyone seems to understand that there is no way for me to have made all this possible without them. As usual, we had so much food, laughter, jokes and the mandatory Filipino karaoke.
Here's Mikee cutting up the cantalopues, while Eugene and Venice just look on...
Meanwhile, Jerome and Hubbs seem to be happy with the barbecue
Ninong/Tito Eric, Vince, Mark and Chris are happy in their little corner. More bangus?
The weather was perfect, here Jot, Sol and Grace enjoy the afternoon sun with Micah and Nathan.
No more cupcakes for you kids. I bet Jot, Liz and Aimee would appreciate that. Palitaw anyone? Thank you for the cupcakes and salad Aimee.
What is a Filipino party without karaoke? What party you have without Mikee? Always game and a great host with great sense of humour, I fight for his presence!
Weather was the best for afternoon gatherings like this. Kids can roam around and play. Perfect day indeed!
This is the most beautiful cake ever! More than gifts, I truly feel special everytime my friends put effort to help me out. A friend, knowing I would be busy picking up cake, put it upon herself to get one to mark this day! What more can I ask?
Thank you Sol! I love the cake. It is delicious and beautiful. Plus the design is awesomely appropriate. Please don't do this again, I might just get spoiled!
Here's a picture that promises eternal healthy options. No evidence of food except the fruits. Ric, Mikee, Sol, Venice, Grace and Iris.
Jon and Ice. Thank you for the palitaw, next time do not get bored, so I won't make you do something.
The most incredible gals in town. Thank you for spoiling Pherry.
The boys with Sherille. Thanks Sherrile for the effort. Two parties with 2 kids to shuttle and your folks is hard, but you still came to celebrate with us!
Joshua and Keith were inseparable. Dangerous duo. Josh said he is excited to have his first communion.
No, they're not loveteams. Only Pj and Ann. Thanks Dom for everything, from tax to bags to camera! You are simply the best!
The most kikay and best bartender this side of town. I miss your garlic bread Ann!
RN Eric and Dom, the most fun and confident men! Bestfriend much?
Thank you everyone! With all the gifts and beautiful cards, my family can not ask for more. I end this post with pictures of beautiful cards expressing support in raising my children in the best Catholic way. It is a blessing to have my children. Perhaps, life will enevitably give us obstacles but knowing I have such beautiful children will make the hurdles easier to navigate. Sometimes, I think it is very difficult to raise 3 children especially here in the US, where there are no househelp but it has been a very wonderful rollercoaster ride. With all the prayers and blessings they have received for the first communion I have one more thing to ask; I pray that they will continually grow towards a life reflective of Christ. You know, to be a good representative of Christ in their family's lives.
As Josh worried that we do not have family sitting with us in church, and being happy after seeing family and friends, I hope that after every sorrow, comes joy, every darkness in their Christian life comes eternal light.
They say, you can not choose your family ( although I would still choose mine if I had too), but you can choose your friends. Seeing all my friends in the church made me realize, I chose well. To those who did not make it, hopefull you still pray with us and hope to see you around to guide KC and Pherry's Christian life. Family is a blessing, friends for me are the ultimate reflection of your self.
God bless you Pherry and KC. Papa and Mama love you. Alaways remember to pray and love untiringly, like Jesus Christ.
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