I guess the new term is jejemon. For me it's still ba-duy. Here's what I found online.
Baduy- low-class; uncouth; unfashionable; having mass appeal; similar to jologs
Jologs-Derived from the combined words
daing (salted fish), tu
yo (a type of dried fish) and itl
og (egg). Dyolog then became Jolog, a term for someone who is tacky, but implied in a more negative tone and often referred to people who belong to the lower class of society.
So, yeah I guess I am jolog. I am a jolog because:
1. I love Aga Muhlach and Richard Gomez. Hey, they are really handsome men. Right?
2. I love Ruffa Guttirez and Kris Aquino. Oh my gawd, this is really baduy. Try saying this ala Ruffa G.
3. I like wearing "dusters". I had one that was so worn out, my sister tried to throw them away. I just feel so comfortable with them.
4. I think Ocean Deep is the best love song ever, followed by Maybe It's You. So what? C'mon give me a break. Don't tell me you never liked this songs?
5. Before I buy anything, I check the price first. I do not buy full retail unless it's a bag.
6. I eat like a patay-gutom ( destitute), ala kargador ( stevedore). Yes, you can laugh.
7. I am loud. Super loud. But I am fun.
8. I eat tuyo, daing, bagoong, cornik and all the talipapa food you can ever get. Talipapa= A Filipino term for fish-market with temporary stalls under a flat shed. Like this:

9. I believe SPAM is gourmet.
10. I openly discuss my love for House and Bones.
11. I insist Charice and Regine Velazquez are world class singers. Yes, they are!
12. I reenact any funny antics in my little village like I am paid to do so. I dance like Manang Amparing, I mimic Manang Carmen when she used to call her daughters, I tell stories of how our neighbors used to fight, I illustrate how the ladies in town would breast feed their babies while playing cards and smoking cigar all at the same time. I should be a clown. Is clown baduy?
13. I eat isaw and balut. And kwek-kwek. And fish ball. And pretty much all Filipino street food, especially binatog.

14. No matter what people say, I still think Hello Kitty is cute, and so is Garfield.
15.Despite my age and all that I witnessed in my existence in this world, I still believe in love. Naks. Ang sweet.
First off, this would be so long if I did not decide to do this list in less than 20 minutes. I wanted to challenge myself on what I can come up with in this timeframe so it is more authentic. I thought of this mainly for fun and in know way should offend anyone who likes/dislikes my list. I suggest you make your own list and see what you can come up with. I actually had fun doing this. Most importantly, I am not ashamed to be baduy. Not at all.
Can you tell me what makes you baduy too? Have you ever had that moment when you thought you were baduy only to realize everyone does the same thing, they were just too " quiet" to say?
On a more serious note, I think calling people baduy/jologs based on their color preferences, food choices and habits is not a good thing. Of course, I have my own share of misgivings. If you are in the receiving end of "malicious" intent being called a baduy, please refer to this list and make them know, you are not baduy because Bernadette thinks it is actually cool. Kidding! have a good evening peeps and bring on the baduy mow-ments!