Here is Tina Fey's prayer/poem. Can I say I super love Tina Fey? Ok, let's just say maybe I love her next to Ellen. Cool?
The Mother's Prayer for its Daughter
First, Lord: No tattoos. May neither Chinese symbol for truth nor Winnie-the-Pooh holding the FSU logo stain her tender haunches.
May she be Beautiful but not Damaged, for it’s the Damage that draws the creepy soccer coach’s eye, not the Beauty.
When the Crystal Meth is offered, may she remember the parents who cut her grapes in half
And stick with Beer.
Guide her, protect her
When crossing the street, stepping onto boats, swimming in the ocean, swimming in pools, walking near pools, standing on the nearby subway platform, crossing 86th Street, stepping off of boats, using mall restrooms, getting on and off escalators, driving on country roads while arguing, leaning on large windows, walking in parking lots, riding Ferris wheels, roller-coasters, log flumes, or anything called “Hell Drop,” “Tower of Torture,” or “The Death Spiral Rock N’ Zero G Roll featuring Aerosmith,” and standing on any kind of balcony ever, anywhere, at any age.
Lead her away from Acting but not all the way to Finance.
Something where she can make her own hours but still feel intellectually fulfilled and get outside sometimes
And not have to wear high heels.
What would that be, Lord? Architecture? Midwifery? Golf course design? I’m asking You because if I knew, I’d be doing it, Youdammit.
May she play the Drums to the fiery rhythm of her Own Heart with the sinewy strength of her Own Arms, so she need Not Lie With Drummers.
Grant her a Rough Patch from twelve to seventeen.
Let her draw horses and be interested in Barbies for much too long,
For Childhood is short -- a Tiger Flower blooming
Magenta for one day --
And Adulthood is long and Dry-Humping in Cars will wait.
O Lord, break the Internet forever,
That she may be spared the misspelled invective of her peers
And the online marketing campaign for Rape Hostel V: Girls Just Wanna Get Stabbed.
And when she one day turns on me and calls me a Bitch in front of Hollister,
Give me the strength, Lord, to yank her directly into a cab in front of her friends,
For I will not have that Shit. I will not have it.
And should she choose to be a Mother one day, be my eyes, Lord,
That I may see her, lying on a blanket on the floor at 4:50 a.m., all-at-once exhausted, bored, and in love with the little creature whose poop is leaking up its back.
“My mother did this for me once,” she will realize as she cleans feces off her baby’s neck.
“My mother did this for me.” And the delayed gratitude will wash over her as it does each generation and she will make a Mental note to call me. And she will forget.
But I’ll know, because I peeped it with Your God eyes.
As if this is not enough, I saw this online today too. Oh, oh, I am so damned. I am glad my Pherry is growing ( 13 soon) but can I pause time? Please Lord Almighty? Please?
I know I may be just over reacting but hey, the world is spinning fast.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Josh' weird sleeping habit
Everyone who knows me and my family know Josh is the sweetest kid. No, seriously. Just last night, knowing that a few friends are coming to relax and just be with Venice ( hey.. birthday girl) on her day, he ran out to the yard, picked fresh flowers and gave them to HG and Venice adding..."it's hand-picked", made some iced tea for the bday girl because " we have no gift for her". Just out of the blue sweetness. If I may say so, he is the most giving and sweetest of kids you would meet. Of course he has his own misgivings, like making faces, rolling his eyes... but over all, believe me when I say--- I am blessed he is my son, knowing how Mr. Hubbs did not want any more kids after we got here in the USA because life is difficult. God had other plans--good plans.
But Josh has one habit I can not explain. He likes sleeping in tight spaces ---- under the bed, under the table, in between sofas, in the walk-in closet---everywhere except the cupboard.
Here, see what I mean...
He was sleeping under my brother-in-law's dining table! This was a few years ago. But you should know, he's been doing this for as long as I can remember. I remember finding him under my bed when he was about 2 or so. Yup, under my bed. One time he was in my walk-in closet--- suffce to say, my walk-in closet iscramped -tuffed full of clutter, he managed to sleep and squeeze in.
Then, late 2009 my husband called me at work asking if I knew where Josh was and of course I was upset! How could he ask me when he was supposed to be WITH them at my in-laws house? They even called me earlier that day. Then I started to panic, not upset but panic. The house where they are at is pretty big and has a big wooded yard. What if he was gone? Abducted? What if he was in the woods and crossed over a neighbor's and segue to the highway? Is he safe? What if he is bitten by snakes? Is he cold? Hungry? Then I started yellling at Mr. Hubbs and told him to call police, and why the hell is he calling me and not the police? He told me they looked all over before he called me so, I was kinda upset he would not call the police now. I was having these scenarios running through my head and in fact, I remembered a police officer saying that every minute a child is missing is very crucial to finding them safe or not. He was informing caregivers to be attentive all the time because that 1 minute you take your eyes off your ward is important. Can you tell I was being cookoo? Or I was just being a mommy? I was at work then, so I felt helpless. So you can only imagine my anger when husband called again---my thought was like:
1.Why call me?
2. I should probably call the police myself.
3.Please let him tell me they found Josh
He sent me these photos after we talked.
He was sleeping on a raised platform of my sister-in-law's center table!! All this time! Yup, while I was fuming my eyes off and ready to call the State Police, or the FBI and even the CIA, hell I was thinking of calling the church volunteers to canvass the area.
This table is in their formal living room where no one really stays but stilll, there was also a buttery soft leather sofa there--- but he chose to sleep on this table, yeah, cramping his 6 year old body in this tight space. Note that this glass table is covered with a decorative fabric that's why is not visible to everyone. Only when they were ready to leave my in-laws' house where Mr. Hubbs started looking for him. He was nowhere!
Hallelujah! He remebered Josh' sleeping habit and they started looking at the RIGHT places--- under the table, between the sofas, behind the sofas, behind the TV console, inside the kitchen island cabinets, the laundry room and yes, he was here UNDER the center table.
I remember reading a medical condition about this but it has escaped me. So if anyone knows, please leave me a comment and I will thank you.
How about you? Do you have weird sleeping habits? Do you know anyone like this?
But Josh has one habit I can not explain. He likes sleeping in tight spaces ---- under the bed, under the table, in between sofas, in the walk-in closet---everywhere except the cupboard.
Here, see what I mean...
He was sleeping under my brother-in-law's dining table! This was a few years ago. But you should know, he's been doing this for as long as I can remember. I remember finding him under my bed when he was about 2 or so. Yup, under my bed. One time he was in my walk-in closet--- suffce to say, my walk-in closet is

Then, late 2009 my husband called me at work asking if I knew where Josh was and of course I was upset! How could he ask me when he was supposed to be WITH them at my in-laws house? They even called me earlier that day. Then I started to panic, not upset but panic. The house where they are at is pretty big and has a big wooded yard. What if he was gone? Abducted? What if he was in the woods and crossed over a neighbor's and segue to the highway? Is he safe? What if he is bitten by snakes? Is he cold? Hungry? Then I started yellling at Mr. Hubbs and told him to call police, and why the hell is he calling me and not the police? He told me they looked all over before he called me so, I was kinda upset he would not call the police now. I was having these scenarios running through my head and in fact, I remembered a police officer saying that every minute a child is missing is very crucial to finding them safe or not. He was informing caregivers to be attentive all the time because that 1 minute you take your eyes off your ward is important. Can you tell I was being cookoo? Or I was just being a mommy? I was at work then, so I felt helpless. So you can only imagine my anger when husband called again---my thought was like:
1.Why call me?
2. I should probably call the police myself.
3.Please let him tell me they found Josh
He sent me these photos after we talked.
He was sleeping on a raised platform of my sister-in-law's center table!! All this time! Yup, while I was fuming my eyes off and ready to call the State Police, or the FBI and even the CIA, hell I was thinking of calling the church volunteers to canvass the area.
This table is in their formal living room where no one really stays but stilll, there was also a buttery soft leather sofa there--- but he chose to sleep on this table, yeah, cramping his 6 year old body in this tight space. Note that this glass table is covered with a decorative fabric that's why is not visible to everyone. Only when they were ready to leave my in-laws' house where Mr. Hubbs started looking for him. He was nowhere!
Hallelujah! He remebered Josh' sleeping habit and they started looking at the RIGHT places--- under the table, between the sofas, behind the sofas, behind the TV console, inside the kitchen island cabinets, the laundry room and yes, he was here UNDER the center table.
I remember reading a medical condition about this but it has escaped me. So if anyone knows, please leave me a comment and I will thank you.
How about you? Do you have weird sleeping habits? Do you know anyone like this?
Posted by
Bernadette Llaga
4:44 PM
Easter Sunday 2011
Growing up Catholic in the Philippines is very different, most evidently during the so called Holy Week. Filipinos tend to focus more on Black Friday, mourning the death of Christ with such cultural flare, great pageantry and religious activities combined. Catholics/Christians here in the US put greater emphasis on Easter Sunday, Christ's resurrection. Easter Sunday is one of the holy days I observed ( as a Catholic immigrant in this great nation) where the Church is packed ( no pun intended). Much like Christmas.
So, after our Spring break vacation ( which I still need to write 2 more posts), we geared up for Easter.
Here's what we did.
The family loves it when the Llaga(s) of Presidential Estate visit, but we love it more when Ice bakes cookies with us. She is such a sweetheart---always respectful and very neat. We made egg shaped vanilla cookies and while preparing the dough, Ice keeps eating it and telling us how.."Mamu, it's good as it is... really." Would you believe it if I told you it was NOT there for Easter? Yup, it was that good.
It warms my heart when I see them enjoy the fruits of their labor, and the bonding time they have as cousins...PRICELESS. Clean up is a different story altogether. Ha!
Of course, Pherry did not HELP--- wait, he helped EAT the cookies. My two assistants in baking? Ice and Josh. These 2 are the best! They finish the work, you know how kids love to start something and when interest wanes, poof? Not my 2 favorites. They really enjoy it. I guess that's the way it is... the younger kids work and the older kids eat. Maybe just in my house, ha?
Here's Pherry dipping his cookies in a glass of milk. My style-- I dip my bread in my coffee cup--Pinoy style at it's best.
Then, it was my time with KC-- we dyed the Easter eggs! I try to involve the kids with everything I do. Here's what we came up with. I was going to make more elaborate ones but I was just tired from our Philadelphia trip that I just came up with these.
My pretty passengers...
Aren't they the most adorable duo? They love each other and they truly enjoy one another. My hope is that when they grow up, they are still very close---my kids and their cousins
Finally, I was able to take a picture of YOU! I love dressing up my boys with pinks and whites during the spring/summer time. So clean and fresh! Notice Pherry's crisp shirt--pink and white baby! My God, looking at this picture reminds me that I have a 12 year old son! My baby is going to be 13! That must be why we have been fighting a lot, ha? Duh!
Here's Josh again. I took this picture for his First Communion invitation cards
My baby boy Josh. He quips, " We need to take pictures, I know, I know...". Smart boy, don't you think?
Here she is, my little darling grand niece.. Precious Gabrielle.....or Ice.

Ice!!! Ice!!! My favorite girl in the whole wide world! Very neat, intelligent and respectful. I love you Ice~~~
Extra point to anyone who can spy the purple and yellow eggs in this picture. For reals, they are there! But this shot is mostly to show you how beautiful my yard is... the gah-den ( garden) as Bostonians would say, is in full bloom. Come visit and you will see an array of beautiful colors.
This is our Spring table. The food is mostly seafood except for the pork barbecue. The reason I love my friends? They are troopers. They come armed with FOOD! I can ask them to come and know that I need not worry about what to feed them.
Isn't she the prettiest mow-del like niece you can ever wish for? Extra point for me for saying that. Winky! Her amazing cooking ability is just a bonus. My kitchen is always abuzz with cooking clutter but I love it! You should see HG cook her shrimp in olive oil with pepper. Ok, HG I'll change that ... shrimp with Extra olive oil... extra olive oil is essential she says. Here's a picture of that delectable shrimp...
Here's Mr. Hubbs doing what he does best, barbecue. I love how he meticulously prepare food.
But of course, for the kids, we got to do EGG HUNTING!!!
Here's my list of rules...

Here's the troop that day... so, so adorable troop I got last Easter.

Here's the group after... Tita Sol is sure enjoting herself! You probably guessed who got the most eggs by now...

So, after our Spring break vacation ( which I still need to write 2 more posts), we geared up for Easter.
Here's what we did.
The family loves it when the Llaga(s) of Presidential Estate visit, but we love it more when Ice bakes cookies with us. She is such a sweetheart---always respectful and very neat. We made egg shaped vanilla cookies and while preparing the dough, Ice keeps eating it and telling us how.."Mamu, it's good as it is... really." Would you believe it if I told you it was NOT there for Easter? Yup, it was that good.
The kiddos wanted to add that star cookie shaper---because WE are stars! |
Add caption |
Here's Pherry dipping his cookies in a glass of milk. My style-- I dip my bread in my coffee cup--Pinoy style at it's best.
Then, it was my time with KC-- we dyed the Easter eggs! I try to involve the kids with everything I do. Here's what we came up with. I was going to make more elaborate ones but I was just tired from our Philadelphia trip that I just came up with these.
Sunday, we attended St. Joseph's Easter Sunday celebration. Of course with The Llagas of PE and Surwez of Avalon ---and a surprise guest, my sister HG. Woohoo!
Here's Josh, handsome as ver, running away from me is what he does now, taking cue from big bro--no pictures Ma!
Aren't they the most adorable duo? They love each other and they truly enjoy one another. My hope is that when they grow up, they are still very close---my kids and their cousins
Finally, I was able to take a picture of YOU! I love dressing up my boys with pinks and whites during the spring/summer time. So clean and fresh! Notice Pherry's crisp shirt--pink and white baby! My God, looking at this picture reminds me that I have a 12 year old son! My baby is going to be 13! That must be why we have been fighting a lot, ha? Duh!
And these beautiful kids my friends, is why I consider myself so blessed! On Easter Sunday, I am blessed by God and just having them reminds me of His big great love for all of us.
Here's Josh again. I took this picture for his First Communion invitation cards
My baby boy Josh. He quips, " We need to take pictures, I know, I know...". Smart boy, don't you think?
Here she is, my little darling grand niece.. Precious Gabrielle.....or Ice.
Ice!!! Ice!!! My favorite girl in the whole wide world! Very neat, intelligent and respectful. I love you Ice~~~
Extra point to anyone who can spy the purple and yellow eggs in this picture. For reals, they are there! But this shot is mostly to show you how beautiful my yard is... the gah-den ( garden) as Bostonians would say, is in full bloom. Come visit and you will see an array of beautiful colors.
This is our Spring table. The food is mostly seafood except for the pork barbecue. The reason I love my friends? They are troopers. They come armed with FOOD! I can ask them to come and know that I need not worry about what to feed them.
Isn't she the prettiest mow-del like niece you can ever wish for? Extra point for me for saying that. Winky! Her amazing cooking ability is just a bonus. My kitchen is always abuzz with cooking clutter but I love it! You should see HG cook her shrimp in olive oil with pepper. Ok, HG I'll change that ... shrimp with Extra olive oil... extra olive oil is essential she says. Here's a picture of that delectable shrimp...
But of course, for the kids, we got to do EGG HUNTING!!!
Here's my list of rules...
Here's the troop that day... so, so adorable troop I got last Easter.
Let the fun begin.... |

...and our big winner, Angelica!!! She probably got $30.00 from all her prizes.
WHeeew! After the excitement outside, we went in again to decorate the dyed egss and Jojo picked 2 awardees foe Most Artistic because " I can't pick, they are all so beautiful". This, after SisSol gave up the judging post because " I can't pick, I saw them all do it and they are all good". Yes indeed! The kids made such beautiful eggs by putting on stickers, chalk, glitters and other decorations. Boy am I glad I did not have to do it. Meanwhile, HG is sleeping! Oh sister!
Then off to watch the Celtics sweep the poor NY Knicks! What a Bostonian Easter we had! Family and friends peeps, family and friends make everything beautiful! Good morning!
Posted by
Bernadette Llaga
9:51 AM
Easter 2011,
Friday, April 29, 2011
Lookie, lookie!
Guess who got the new white iPhone4? Lucky me I got the best of friends anyone can ask for! Get ready for some smokin' blogging peeps! Ladyshout to my sister HG!!!Woohoo!
Posted by
Bernadette Llaga
11:23 PM
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The closest thing I could get to royalty
I am so excited--- I am giddy I can't type.
I have something to share to make you all jealous.
No, I am not invited to the royal wedding.
I am totally name dropping here but whatever....
Mr. Hubbs' niece Anjelica who met Princess Diana --- yes peeps, in REAL life is interviewed again to commemorate Pricess Diana's visit in Chicago. Just in time for the row-yal wedding.
Can anyone claim that?
That your niece has met Princess Diana?
Only me!
I am the only blogger in the whole wide world... insert happy dance here....who is so close to royalty. So be jealous and be very jealous.
I know, so lame. But I love, love Princess Di. You should too. Because I told you so.
OK, I think I can breathe now. Because I am totally done with my bragging. Can you imagine how much bragging I'd do if I met her. Wowzaaa! You won't here the end of it.
Alright, night peeps. Time to dream with my Prince Charming. The real relative of Anjelica, but I can claim that too, right? Oh, my brush with royalty. Bye for now, my dear readers.
I have something to share to make you all jealous.
No, I am not invited to the royal wedding.
I am totally name dropping here but whatever....
Mr. Hubbs' niece Anjelica who met Princess Diana --- yes peeps, in REAL life is interviewed again to commemorate Pricess Diana's visit in Chicago. Just in time for the row-yal wedding.
Can anyone claim that?
That your niece has met Princess Diana?
Only me!
I am the only blogger in the whole wide world... insert happy dance here....who is so close to royalty. So be jealous and be very jealous.
I know, so lame. But I love, love Princess Di. You should too. Because I told you so.
OK, I think I can breathe now. Because I am totally done with my bragging. Can you imagine how much bragging I'd do if I met her. Wowzaaa! You won't here the end of it.
Alright, night peeps. Time to dream with my Prince Charming. The real relative of Anjelica, but I can claim that too, right? Oh, my brush with royalty. Bye for now, my dear readers.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Of Friendships and Miss Lea Salonga ( The Journey)
There are people you meet today and they become good friends--- for life. At least that's what you hope for. This is exactly what happened to me and my two sisters --- Miss HG and SolSister ( yes, we have "friendship names"-- I am Ms.B ).
We met briefly one summer afternoon last year. So brief in fact that I said hi to Girlie ( MissHG) who was the birthday celebrant on my way out the door and I briefly spoke to Sol, who was the party's host. I guess it was destined to be. Mr. Hubbs was the only one invited because he met Sol's husband Eric, and Vince who is Girlie's roommate. They met during a basketball game. For some "universal powers" working, I was "friends" with Girlie on Friendster---you know, that innovative social networking site that has gone to oblivion? So, I figured what's there to lose? I would only be there for a short time and if I am surrounded by total strangers who are not very friendly, my exposure should only be minimal because I was only going for my breaktime from work, which is about an hour less travel time of about 15-20 minutes each way. Mr. Hubbs does not like going to events without company, so he asked me if I could join him. The trooper that I am, I went, and the rest, as they say is history.
Miss Lea Salonga is my favorite. I have seen her perform on stage and had seen a concert of hers. Well, what do you know? My sisters love her too! Coincidence? No. Great minds think alike. Her voice is powerful but soothing, she is pure talent, no hype! So when I saw that Miss Lea is staging a cabaret style concert at the historic Carlyle Hotel in NY City, I was thrilled. I immediately asked people who wanted to join me ---- in Facebook. The only 3 people who replied were my niece, Fridah, Sol and Girlie.
The show is titled Lea Salonga, The Journey. As with many relationships, you need to put time and effort to friendship, it's a journey that is inspiring and beautiful yet with its own roller coaster ride.Yeah, we've heard "you know I am always there for you" line and the "we can pick where we left off" line... but really, if you want to develop a deeper and more meaningful friendship you need to be genuinely involved. Our journey as friends is past the the "i know we jive really well" and "we can talk about anything" stage--- but if we stopped from there, there would be no more time together, no little conversations, no just going out for some dinner time or the usual chatter. The journey of Miss Lea Salonga is one to reckon with. A simple young girl from an upper middle class family in the Philippines, her mother and her worked tirelessly to improve and market what is already acknowledged as talent beyond compare at that time. She excelled in school but inspite of that, even herself admits that she was never voted class president because of other's perception of her --- being snotty and overly goody goody. Then, the opportunity came, she auditioned to be Kim of the famed Oscar award winning Miss Saigon. It was difficult to be away from your home at such a young age and be a star with a very tedious routine as Kim. But, she did not only win the hearts of Broadway regulars but the famed Tony Olivier Award--- the Oscar of stage theater. Worth mentioning is her speech where she said she only used to watch this show in Manila--- what a roller coaster ride!
Sol, Girlie and me have more years to develop this friendship, just like Miss Salonga who did not become a star overnight--- yet because there is genuine talent, it naturally flourishes. So as with our friendship---the natural caring for each other is there but we know we need to put extra oommph if we want to have a deep and engaging friendship. As I always say, I need and want friends, not acquaintances. I have too many acquaintances than I could care for. Personally, I would rather spend the day just watching reruns of 24 with Sol or abusing the karaoke with Girlie than have a fancy 'dress" me up dinner with an acquaintance. ( Hmmm. I like that last line, I can actually write.) LOL.
So, off we go to NY city. We all prepared for this day because we said we would spare nothing to pamper ourselves this day--- silly us, we discussed to not even look at the menu prices, that we would order as if we do not have all care, that our credit cards are corporate sponsored. Girls can dream! I'll tell you a funny story. Girlie travels a lot because of her work. She flies back home on the weekends. Not having enough shopping time for this, she went to Ann Taylor, saw the mannequin on display and asked the sales associate to give her all that the mannequin has. The frazzled SA asked.: " Even the necklace?" Girlie said, yes... and the shoes and the bracelet, and and... She did not have time to think of her wardrobe so she figured it would look good seeing it looked good on display. Only Girlie can do that--- not checking the prices. Me? I am a fabulous bargain hunter! Really, I am. Anyways, Sol was the default driver just because we were bringing her car. I was the designated" non stop talking girl". Hey, that is essential in any trip, so the driver won't fall asleep and that the travel would go by fast. Needless to say, the trip to NY city went so fast. We had stories to tell and people to talk about. NOT! I'll let you in on a secret. Girlie graduated from the University of the Philippines, the premier learning institution of my beloved country while Sol is a graduate of Ateneo de Naga, another premier school. So, here I am with this scholarly ladies, we talk just about anything in the world, from Nelson Mandela to properly pronouncing Louboutin. Lo-bu-tahn.
We parked right beside the hotel. We arrived just a tad early. The Carlyle Hotel is a very iconic hotel --- meaning OLD and rustic and beautiful--- meaning--- very COMPACT- SMALL- CROWDED. Got the peechur yet? In any given day, I'd rather stay here than in mega big hotels. I l love places like these. I see grandeur in the old and rustic things, plus service is impeccable. The best thing though is people watching. But that's a different post altogether. Did I mention that parking in NY City can cost you an arm and a leg? Wha-at? Not an arm and a leg! More like my whole being - the whole size 14 me! But as I mentioned-- we are not considering cost here mah dear, we are going to see Miss Lea Salonga--- ONLY THE BEST.
It was a dinner show so we were seated an hour or so before showtime. The Carlyle only seats 90 for performances. If I may say so, the place is , shall I say-- shoulder-shoulder. But it made it more personal and charming. The food is okay and VERY expensive. I think the bottled water is about $10.00. Duh, Bernadette. Then comes Miss Lea Salonga. Suddenly the food is better and the bill is forgotten. She is a gem. I declare her Philippine national treasure. A true beauty. Is it obvious yet? I am a superfan. I like that--- superfan. I should adopt that title. Miss Salonga's superfan. The night is filled with her powerful voice and everyone was mesmerized with her performance level. I loved it, she combined classics and pop music so well you can forget all about all those non talent all hype artists.
It was my first time to tip the waiter and the head waiter. Is there such a thing? Whaddap? But I guess, that's how we roll. We PRETEND we are so used to tipping. NOT! But, I can tell you, I know between me and these two lovelies, there is no pretending. I can be myself as I can be. I can laugh until I snort with them, I eat fantabulously ( oh, yeah, that's a word) when around them and sing out of tune even in their presence. We are so different from each other, I love it! I am a laboratory scientist ( a fancy way of saying medical technologist, oh yeah!), Sol is an accountant and Girlie is a computer analyst. Wheew. But we share love of so many things. We love food, hell yah. We love books, we love to sing ( they are good singers, I am a good performer-- I claim performer award), we love traveling, we enjoy kids and we adore Lea Salonga. We laugh a lot, we like the same movies and we are all hopeless romantics, not to say we are very independent successful women. We know each other too well, we can finish each others sentences and laugh out loud without saying a word, and know we are laughing at the same thing---or person. I can be ignorant and not be shamed by it, I can tell them what I think and they know it is given with great consideration. They can tell me things I probably would not take well coming from a different person, but because it's them, I take it with love knowing they would not tell me if it is not true or not in my best interest.
So, the show ends in great encore. What a fabulous show! I loved the storyline of her songs telling stages of her life--- hence The Journey. I adored her way of injecting humor along the line. I love, I love, I love! Ev-ree-thang! But the friendship does not end. We will develop great stories of our lives and probably cry in between and laugh a lot--- yet we would love each other as real sisters. You know how they say you can sometimes find family in friends? I say, you can make your friends family, make your friends necessary family. In that way, you have woven your lives together, you are integral to each others success and failure. Knowing us, failure is not an option, we may fall but not fail. Every show has and encore--- whether it will get great reviews or rants will be noted in the following day reviews of the so called critics. But I heard nothing but spectacular review of Miss Salonga ( can this be considered a review?). I know I love these girls to bits and hopefully our friendship will not have an encore, but some breaks if it must. I also know that if I critique our friendship, it will all be spectacular.
I have bestfriends in different stages of my life. I have 2 in high school ( Angelita and Jennyrose), 3 in college---Beng, Allen and Elvie and in my working years, I have Jerome and Ricky. What makes Sol and HG different then? Because there is no reason for us to be together! We don't have to go to school together, we do not have to work together. It is plain obvious effort we put in to see each other. It is genuine love and sharing the same passion of friendship we have. We love to be friends. We want to be friends. We exert effort and develop a deeper meaning of what we see so much around now--- just casual friendship. We have real friendship, where there is no room for jealousy, competition and pretension.
We have more years to go, but here's to friendship and Miss Salonga--- The Journey need not be all roses , the important thing is you triumph along the way with our friends.
We met briefly one summer afternoon last year. So brief in fact that I said hi to Girlie ( MissHG) who was the birthday celebrant on my way out the door and I briefly spoke to Sol, who was the party's host. I guess it was destined to be. Mr. Hubbs was the only one invited because he met Sol's husband Eric, and Vince who is Girlie's roommate. They met during a basketball game. For some "universal powers" working, I was "friends" with Girlie on Friendster---you know, that innovative social networking site that has gone to oblivion? So, I figured what's there to lose? I would only be there for a short time and if I am surrounded by total strangers who are not very friendly, my exposure should only be minimal because I was only going for my breaktime from work, which is about an hour less travel time of about 15-20 minutes each way. Mr. Hubbs does not like going to events without company, so he asked me if I could join him. The trooper that I am, I went, and the rest, as they say is history.
Miss Lea Salonga is my favorite. I have seen her perform on stage and had seen a concert of hers. Well, what do you know? My sisters love her too! Coincidence? No. Great minds think alike. Her voice is powerful but soothing, she is pure talent, no hype! So when I saw that Miss Lea is staging a cabaret style concert at the historic Carlyle Hotel in NY City, I was thrilled. I immediately asked people who wanted to join me ---- in Facebook. The only 3 people who replied were my niece, Fridah, Sol and Girlie.
The show is titled Lea Salonga, The Journey. As with many relationships, you need to put time and effort to friendship, it's a journey that is inspiring and beautiful yet with its own roller coaster ride.Yeah, we've heard "you know I am always there for you" line and the "we can pick where we left off" line... but really, if you want to develop a deeper and more meaningful friendship you need to be genuinely involved. Our journey as friends is past the the "i know we jive really well" and "we can talk about anything" stage--- but if we stopped from there, there would be no more time together, no little conversations, no just going out for some dinner time or the usual chatter. The journey of Miss Lea Salonga is one to reckon with. A simple young girl from an upper middle class family in the Philippines, her mother and her worked tirelessly to improve and market what is already acknowledged as talent beyond compare at that time. She excelled in school but inspite of that, even herself admits that she was never voted class president because of other's perception of her --- being snotty and overly goody goody. Then, the opportunity came, she auditioned to be Kim of the famed Oscar award winning Miss Saigon. It was difficult to be away from your home at such a young age and be a star with a very tedious routine as Kim. But, she did not only win the hearts of Broadway regulars but the famed Tony Olivier Award--- the Oscar of stage theater. Worth mentioning is her speech where she said she only used to watch this show in Manila--- what a roller coaster ride!
Sol, Girlie and me have more years to develop this friendship, just like Miss Salonga who did not become a star overnight--- yet because there is genuine talent, it naturally flourishes. So as with our friendship---the natural caring for each other is there but we know we need to put extra oommph if we want to have a deep and engaging friendship. As I always say, I need and want friends, not acquaintances. I have too many acquaintances than I could care for. Personally, I would rather spend the day just watching reruns of 24 with Sol or abusing the karaoke with Girlie than have a fancy 'dress" me up dinner with an acquaintance. ( Hmmm. I like that last line, I can actually write.) LOL.
So, off we go to NY city. We all prepared for this day because we said we would spare nothing to pamper ourselves this day--- silly us, we discussed to not even look at the menu prices, that we would order as if we do not have all care, that our credit cards are corporate sponsored. Girls can dream! I'll tell you a funny story. Girlie travels a lot because of her work. She flies back home on the weekends. Not having enough shopping time for this, she went to Ann Taylor, saw the mannequin on display and asked the sales associate to give her all that the mannequin has. The frazzled SA asked.: " Even the necklace?" Girlie said, yes... and the shoes and the bracelet, and and... She did not have time to think of her wardrobe so she figured it would look good seeing it looked good on display. Only Girlie can do that--- not checking the prices. Me? I am a fabulous bargain hunter! Really, I am. Anyways, Sol was the default driver just because we were bringing her car. I was the designated" non stop talking girl". Hey, that is essential in any trip, so the driver won't fall asleep and that the travel would go by fast. Needless to say, the trip to NY city went so fast. We had stories to tell and people to talk about. NOT! I'll let you in on a secret. Girlie graduated from the University of the Philippines, the premier learning institution of my beloved country while Sol is a graduate of Ateneo de Naga, another premier school. So, here I am with this scholarly ladies, we talk just about anything in the world, from Nelson Mandela to properly pronouncing Louboutin. Lo-bu-tahn.
We parked right beside the hotel. We arrived just a tad early. The Carlyle Hotel is a very iconic hotel --- meaning OLD and rustic and beautiful--- meaning--- very COMPACT- SMALL- CROWDED. Got the peechur yet? In any given day, I'd rather stay here than in mega big hotels. I l love places like these. I see grandeur in the old and rustic things, plus service is impeccable. The best thing though is people watching. But that's a different post altogether. Did I mention that parking in NY City can cost you an arm and a leg? Wha-at? Not an arm and a leg! More like my whole being - the whole size 14 me! But as I mentioned-- we are not considering cost here mah dear, we are going to see Miss Lea Salonga--- ONLY THE BEST.
It was a dinner show so we were seated an hour or so before showtime. The Carlyle only seats 90 for performances. If I may say so, the place is , shall I say-- shoulder-shoulder. But it made it more personal and charming. The food is okay and VERY expensive. I think the bottled water is about $10.00. Duh, Bernadette. Then comes Miss Lea Salonga. Suddenly the food is better and the bill is forgotten. She is a gem. I declare her Philippine national treasure. A true beauty. Is it obvious yet? I am a superfan. I like that--- superfan. I should adopt that title. Miss Salonga's superfan. The night is filled with her powerful voice and everyone was mesmerized with her performance level. I loved it, she combined classics and pop music so well you can forget all about all those non talent all hype artists.
It was my first time to tip the waiter and the head waiter. Is there such a thing? Whaddap? But I guess, that's how we roll. We PRETEND we are so used to tipping. NOT! But, I can tell you, I know between me and these two lovelies, there is no pretending. I can be myself as I can be. I can laugh until I snort with them, I eat fantabulously ( oh, yeah, that's a word) when around them and sing out of tune even in their presence. We are so different from each other, I love it! I am a laboratory scientist ( a fancy way of saying medical technologist, oh yeah!), Sol is an accountant and Girlie is a computer analyst. Wheew. But we share love of so many things. We love food, hell yah. We love books, we love to sing ( they are good singers, I am a good performer-- I claim performer award), we love traveling, we enjoy kids and we adore Lea Salonga. We laugh a lot, we like the same movies and we are all hopeless romantics, not to say we are very independent successful women. We know each other too well, we can finish each others sentences and laugh out loud without saying a word, and know we are laughing at the same thing---or person. I can be ignorant and not be shamed by it, I can tell them what I think and they know it is given with great consideration. They can tell me things I probably would not take well coming from a different person, but because it's them, I take it with love knowing they would not tell me if it is not true or not in my best interest.
So, the show ends in great encore. What a fabulous show! I loved the storyline of her songs telling stages of her life--- hence The Journey. I adored her way of injecting humor along the line. I love, I love, I love! Ev-ree-thang! But the friendship does not end. We will develop great stories of our lives and probably cry in between and laugh a lot--- yet we would love each other as real sisters. You know how they say you can sometimes find family in friends? I say, you can make your friends family, make your friends necessary family. In that way, you have woven your lives together, you are integral to each others success and failure. Knowing us, failure is not an option, we may fall but not fail. Every show has and encore--- whether it will get great reviews or rants will be noted in the following day reviews of the so called critics. But I heard nothing but spectacular review of Miss Salonga ( can this be considered a review?). I know I love these girls to bits and hopefully our friendship will not have an encore, but some breaks if it must. I also know that if I critique our friendship, it will all be spectacular.
I have bestfriends in different stages of my life. I have 2 in high school ( Angelita and Jennyrose), 3 in college---Beng, Allen and Elvie and in my working years, I have Jerome and Ricky. What makes Sol and HG different then? Because there is no reason for us to be together! We don't have to go to school together, we do not have to work together. It is plain obvious effort we put in to see each other. It is genuine love and sharing the same passion of friendship we have. We love to be friends. We want to be friends. We exert effort and develop a deeper meaning of what we see so much around now--- just casual friendship. We have real friendship, where there is no room for jealousy, competition and pretension.
We have more years to go, but here's to friendship and Miss Salonga--- The Journey need not be all roses , the important thing is you triumph along the way with our friends.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Spring Break--- Mystic CT
Well, hello there.
I am still here.
That's a good thing.
I have not posted anything because I have been busy...
Unbelievable |
George W. Mason--- the last wooden whaleship in the world |
My boys sure did love playing "captains". They did not love me stopping their serious ship time. Story of my life. HAhahha.
If you go up the Morgan, this is the view from atop. I love waterviews and this sure is lovely.
If you don't know yet, I am a lab scientist (?), so here I am fooling around. Lemme show you a funny thing though---here you go...
Isn't this HISTORIC? This is OLD, really OLD microscope. It sure does belong in this museum. KC was sure cracking up at me when I told her this is actually an updated version of what I used as a student in the Philippines. Oh, I love moments like this--- me and the Daughter laughing at my "back in the day, when I was in the Philippines" moment. I am working in the US now, am I not? So, learning has nothing to do with new books, high tech stuff but the perseverance to discover and the patience to deal with what you have.
It was Pirates Day when we visited so it was fun seeing the staff all dressed up like Tom Blue here. One thing I noted-- the staff we metwere all friendly and so accomodating.
He is my favorite though. He was in charge of the Threadmaking showcase which Mr. Hubbs immensely enjoyed because it ties back to the Philippines.
Mr. Hubbs kept telling the kids how they used to do this and how to make ropes---of course the kids just PRETEND to be interested. Makes me wonder what age do kids really love being tied to their heritage. My kids sure are very Filipino but they need some lecturing. Just one more reason we aren't going back to the Philippines yet. We'd go when I know they'll appreciate what the Philippines has to offer.
When we went to one of the oyster boats, the kids had fun telling me how it takes about 3 years before an oyster gets to be the size of what I usually eat. Pherry said "Wow, Mom, you need to take it slow so the oyster population can recover." I love seafood. Yeah, you all---meet the seafood queen, ME.
Of course, that comment made me sad. No, made me guilty. It sure is something to remember.
All over the place, there is definitely old feel to it. The village is full of details that should interest everyone, like these ones...
I love looking at the tiny details of places I visit. I think it's what makes it interesting. If you note one of the photos above they still called it DRUGGISTS and CHEMISTS. I think in Europe up to now, they still call their pharmacists CHEMISTS/Druggists.
We visited the planetarium and although we have been to a lot of planetariums, the staff who was there made it the most exceptional. He sure knows what he is talking about and is a gifted teacher. There are a lot of intelligent scientists/professionals but it takes a special person to teach. He is very knowledgeable and if I must say--- the most patient. Thank you dear Sir...
We also visited The Dulton, also designated as a national landamrk and it's amazing to see the sleeping area. I can not believe how tiny the space is. It is indeed a difficult job, although ships and shipmen have always been romanticized in stories and poems, seeing the inside of this old ships do tell a different story.
So we learned and studied, but let me tell you--- we had so much fun too....
I have so many things to tell you but I need to sleep... I will leave you with this lovely photo taken by KC.
A vacation need not be grand. What matters is if it brings smiles and creates beautiful memories. This is what I try to achieve everytime. But I am lying if I tell you it's all fine and dandy in my family. With the 3 kids (12, 10, 8) it sure is chaotic and it takes a whole lot of balancing. But let me tell you this lovelies, aim for happy not perfect. Then it will be perfect. I promise. Guaranteed.
So we learned and studied, but let me tell you--- we had so much fun too....
A vacation need not be grand. What matters is if it brings smiles and creates beautiful memories. This is what I try to achieve everytime. But I am lying if I tell you it's all fine and dandy in my family. With the 3 kids (12, 10, 8) it sure is chaotic and it takes a whole lot of balancing. But let me tell you this lovelies, aim for happy not perfect. Then it will be perfect. I promise. Guaranteed.
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