It's been a wonderful time! I am surrounded by my loves!
The following photos were taken before taking off to a Christmas lunch hosted by my niece Fridah!
But my favorite is...
Confession: I messed up! We were supposed to attend the 9pm mass on Christmas Eve but my brothers-in-law came and they played tong-it's with Mr.Hubbs and my closest friends came over for dinner! Missing in the picture: Dikong Ric--photographer!
Anyway, that changed the plans. So then, I decided to do the 9am mass. Unfortunately I realized later on that Mr.Hubbs would not be home by then. Ok, let's do 6pm. Ha! We drove there and the church was closed! Hahahahah! Senior moment--- that mass was for the 24th! We hurried home and we read the gospel and readings of the day with our Advent candles lit. Also, the kids and I took turns to read. Afterwards, I asked each one to share what they love best about Christmas and we shared. Pherry said he likes that everyone in general is just happy and nice. KC said she likes gifts and Josh shared he likes reunions of family, the parties! I asked Chris and it broke my heart when he said " nothing, I just miss Nanay."
Being home for the last few days, off this Christmas week just reiterates that I made the right decision. Yes, I don't make as much money as before but I do have lots of priviledges like taking time off when I need to. Family time is priceless!
Soon the kids will have their own lives and all I have to hold on to are memories of this time of the year. I treasure these time with them.
Merry Christmas my dear loves!