Thursday, April 28, 2011

The closest thing I could get to royalty

I am so excited--- I am giddy I can't type.
I have something to share to make you all jealous.
No, I am not invited to the royal wedding.
I am totally name dropping here but whatever....
Mr. Hubbs' niece Anjelica who met Princess Diana --- yes peeps, in REAL life is interviewed again to commemorate Pricess Diana's visit in Chicago. Just in time for the row-yal wedding.
Can anyone claim that?
That your niece has met Princess Diana?
Only me!
I am the only blogger in the whole wide world... insert happy dance here....who is so close to royalty.  So be jealous and be very jealous.
I know, so lame. But I love, love Princess Di. You should too. Because I told you so.

OK, I think I can breathe now. Because I am totally done with my bragging. Can you imagine how much bragging I'd do if I met her. Wowzaaa! You won't here the end of it.

Alright, night peeps. Time to dream with my Prince Charming. The real relative of Anjelica, but I can claim that too, right? Oh, my brush with royalty. Bye for now, my dear readers.