Monday, March 29, 2010

Good friends, good presents for no reason

I have the gift of gab. I would say it is a good thing. I seem to make friends easily or strike up a conversation with anyone. I talk to the valet parking people, in return, they let me stay until I need to leave, I am good friends with the cafeteria people at work, in return, I get free coffee, extra food and smile in every corner. Yes... I kid you not. I talk to the security guards, they let me in even if I forgot my ID, the parking ticket cashier lets me have day rate parking instead of the 24 hr rate and I have friends at shops I frequent who gives me extra coupons and tips on what's a good deal in store. Of course, I also have friends who are real friends. Even way back from elementary. I have to say, I only have a couple of good friends those years, my Tatang was very strict. In high school, I would say I have good friends, but mostly, those whole years, I probably was more of an outcast than anything. As I have mentioned in a previous post, we were poor, so a lot of the kids were ridiculous bullies. I have great friends in college. I guess, it is because I went to Manila for my bachelors, so there was not much bad treatment, or maybe because there was so much poverty around the city, I was considered middle class. But whatever, now iI am very proud to say I have very good friends in all walk of life. I got that form my Tatang, be it the mayor's son, the fisherman's daughter.

Today, my good friend Zonette, got me this necklacce and earrings, for "nothing day." I love it!

Lovely, isn't it? How about you, do you give gifts for "nothing day"?

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