So yesterday, this is what we did.
Had lunch at Subway---
Here is the kids' meal reusable bag and the different languages to say "CONSERVE".
Cute right? Then KC and Josh suddenly asked me if there was Filipino written and we looked. I was not really expecting it to be there but yeah, it was there. MAGTIPID!
Cool, ha? I think so. I wish I know how to magtipid. My imaginary savings account would squeal "not your forte." Furr-teyh! Quiet!
We went home after, KC started writing a post on her blog. Ooops, yes KC has a blog but I won't tell you what it is until she tells me it's ok to be made public.
I did multiplication flashcard with Joshua and taught him the "fingers trick" on how to multiply 6-10 easier. Easy peasy! Do you know that trick? I should make a video of that. Promise. Hmmm, I wonder how you would react if you hear me talk much more see me on video. But whatever. As we were doing this, KC stopped typing and said she can make a video tutorial on how to multiply by 11! Like a pretend teacher. "I will teach it to you Josh", she said. Of course Joshua said "no, coz I already know how to multiply by 11." Yup, Joshua is good in Math. Here's the first video. Please ignore the unhanged/duplicate canvas portrait.
Notice how he said "yes"? Well, that did not fly with KC. She told him to pretend because this is a teaching video. Hahahah. My kids will make so much money doing this. Now, watch this second video.
Of course they needed to do it again because she feels her voice is a little too cute. Hmmm. But me says good... I love it when KC plays TV host. Mama feelings aside, I feel she is very talented this way. She made this spiel right there and created a learning series "Learn It Fast" on the fly! Cool, ha?
Adorable little muchkins they are. Then, I decided to finally install the adorable drawer pulls I got a long time ago. A. very. long .time .ago. I have put it on hold thinking I would place them once KC's drawers are painted creamy white like her Princess bed. But as I always said... nothing happens that way. That's how I roll. I plan, it backfires. But these are way cute so it needed to be installed. So we went from this fugly looking drawer pulls...
To these lovely ones. The best thing is, I got them for 0.99 cents a pair. Yeebah!

Nice. Now, if only I could paint it soon. Duh, Bernadette Spring is almost over! Whatchawaitin for? Summer?
Seriously, this are so pretty but would stand out more once the cabinet is painted... soon, it will happen.
Just gotta share this to you. KC was chosen as one of the students to paint the mural in their school. She painted this portion. She said she participated in painting the tree and the cub. There is already a drawing there so all the kids need to do is to paint it but still I thought they really did well.
Here's the whole mural on their school's lobby. She hated me for letting her stand here while the after-school kids were ALL STARING. She must be thinking I am so embarrasing. Just proud of my girl, I tell her.
So yeah. That's Tuesday for us. Eating-playing-fooling around and just multiplication flashcards... Hahahhaha. Our life is boring.
PS. I am a good Mama even if I force the kids to smile while I takepictures(ssssss)_.
PPS. The videos are entirely KC's creative mind.
PPS. My kids are the greatest.
PPPS. Don't be jealous.
They would not appreciate forcing them to smile while taking pictures but i bet they will appreciate once they see the they say "mother's knows best".
Wow, KC is really very talented, she paints too, like me....i think she can help you paint the drawer and she can put the design she wants to go with the drawer pulls...
Good job KC and keep up the good work...keep momma proud!
good job again ate KC! :)
@Jehan- i force then... hahhaha. I am sure they will love it. Ngayon pa nga lang they laugh at their older pictures na..she does paint... amna nga sa iyo... hehehe
@Grace--of course Tita G---thank you
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