... are nerdy and cool!
contrary to popular belief, we are not old, boring and bookish.
... we are funny and stylish bunch.
AND yeah, we are good LAB-ers!
Ignore the last part.
PS: no patients ( research or clinical ) were hurt while these pictures were taken. Promise!
Disclaimer: I am a lab scientist, so take this lightly. AND I don't know the people pictured in here.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Day off?
Not quite. Can you say NOT? Yup, not.a.day.off. Naaah.
Eversince I moved to the dayshi*t, I can't have a true day off! I need a spa day or just shopping day--- no, I need a benefactor- or a sponsor- hello there Mr. Rich? Just kidding here my lovelies. Anyway, it was a good day yesterday. Me and the kids went to the mall to spend KC's bday money. Thank you to all the gift cards and the cash--- she was ecstatic while "counting" her own money an paying her "stuff". She goes, " I don't fit into the style of Justice anymore mom." I guess my daughter is more into teenager get-ups now. What does THAT mean? Tight jeans, baby Ts, scuffed up polos and some a&f poster wannabe? Yes and no. Yea, I give her leeway a little bit to express herself but not complete freedom--- even if she says , "all my friends think it's cool." Well then, your not cool, honey. She usually follows what I "gently" suggest--so there is peace in LlagaLand.

Eversince I moved to the dayshi*t, I can't have a true day off! I need a spa day or just shopping day--- no, I need a benefactor- or a sponsor- hello there Mr. Rich? Just kidding here my lovelies. Anyway, it was a good day yesterday. Me and the kids went to the mall to spend KC's bday money. Thank you to all the gift cards and the cash--- she was ecstatic while "counting" her own money an paying her "stuff". She goes, " I don't fit into the style of Justice anymore mom." I guess my daughter is more into teenager get-ups now. What does THAT mean? Tight jeans, baby Ts, scuffed up polos and some a&f poster wannabe? Yes and no. Yea, I give her leeway a little bit to express herself but not complete freedom--- even if she says , "all my friends think it's cool." Well then, your not cool, honey. She usually follows what I "gently" suggest--so there is peace in LlagaLand.
On a more serious note, I did 2 very important things yesterday. I can't tell you the other one for now....hold you off giddy, no? Once I can share I will definitely announce on this blog first---befor Twitter and FB, because I love my blog readers more : ). The other one, I can totally share. I love spending a little "lovers" time with Mr. Hubbs. We rarely do this now---what with work and the Three Monkeys around...just kiding. Anyway, we were going to a fancy schmancy lunch but realized quickly that we need to pick Josh--darn! So where do we go? Well, hello Target!
Fancy lunch became salted caramel latte at Starbucks and Pizza Hut's cheesy creamy chicken alfredo which is great---when you are hungry and in a hurry! Then off to pick up Josh and it was nice seeing the teachers at Lincoln-Hancock again. I love that school. After picking up KC and Pherry, we went to Pho Hoa, our favorite soup destination this side of town. See their happy faces? I forced them. No, they just like goofing around until Mr. Hubbs becomes serious and then lunch/dinner is no longer fun. Hahahahha.
KC was goofing around and started taking pictures of me. Of course I will just show you the nice one. One out of so many. That's it. I look good in ONE picture out of 732. Yup, that many.
After lunch, we went home, did homework---did I tell you about homeworks at LlagaLand yet? Wheeew! You don't wanna know. I swear, you don't ! It's like a revolution in there. Seriously. The Battle of Brains I call it. Only, brains are flying out. I reserve homework as another blog post. When we got home, two packages were awaiting us. Packages=happiness. Well, this is not MY packages. They were from good friends for KC's bday. Thank you Tita Yas and Kuya Bryan!
Then, off we go to the mall. You know it already, Mr. Hubbs did not come. Of course! Which is good. Really good. Hahahhaha.
![]() |
KC at Godiva for our free monthly cocolate piece |

Isn't my princess darling so pretty in her yellow shoes? Speaking of which, while browsing at Lord and Taylor, she told me the pretty dress was Tahari---just like her shoes. A loyal brand consumer? Our loot? I got a Givenchy earring and a Givency bracelet and the cutest 2 finger ring by Betsey Johnson. KC? Lots. I will just tell you where we shopped for her so you get the drift. We spent her Justice giftcard, Macy's giftcard and shopped at a&f with her cash money from good friends. Now, if only my friends would give me shopping money too on my birthdays.... ehemmm... my birtday is October my friends. Just like KC, I take giftcards AND cash. Kidding...BTW, you must be wondering where the boys were? Well, while I was having my ring inspected and cleaned ( for insurance purposes), they were gone. They flew to the Apple Store. They might as well hire them, they are always there and probably know more than a whole lot of people there. Just saying.....
So me and KC=shopping.
Pherry and Josh=Apple Store.
Fair enough. Now, don't scold me because Pherry is now 13, so he can babysit his brother okies? He is responsible and can take care of baby bro. Are we cool?
After shopping, we went home. I told them to thank their Papa for being so patient with them recently since he has been the one driving them to school. AND that's when I felt so happy and sad at the same time. KC wrote a letter to her dad and Josh wrote a poem. Here is KC reading her letter to Dad. I can't post the letter in full because... well I can't. Suffice to say they love having their dad in the morning more than they want me. KC went on to say.." so far, I have not been late this school year because of you not like Mama---no offense). Do I need to tell you Mr. Hubbs cried? I cried. Josh cried. KC wailed. HAhahah.
Here is Joshua's poem.
Oh, I told you I love Wednesday(s)! So today, go home---kiss your mom and pop, hubby and wifey or your sisters/brothers or simply tell them you love them. You do not have to wait for a day off, right?
One word: Family.
Posted by
Bernadette Llaga
2:40 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Open House part 2
So tonight, Mr. Hubbs and I attended Pherry's open house. Central Middle School is old and dirty. The lockers are non functional to say the least. I don't know, but ever since Pherry attended here since 6th grade, I never felt comfortable. I am not saying the school is bad or the staff and faculty is mediocre, I am just saying it is not very welcoming and warm like the other schools the kids attend/ed. I have actually a bad experience here but that's another blogspot. The reason I never wrote about it is because I was still angry and I know you can get emotional and not be very objective about it. Anyway, they are building a new one in a different location and be finished supposedly in 2012(?). But that does not mean you can neglect the current school! Right? From what I gather from the meeting, there were a lot of cut backs on programs and funds running out on a lot of activities. The science teacher said she had to incorporate the technology part in science and technology because there are no more classes for it! Meanwhile, Pherry brought home a CD-rom for one of his classes because they don't have enough books. Whaaat? How about those kids without PCs, like my kids? I am sure it's not just Quincy but it is frustrating nonetheless.
The only reason Pherry still attends this school is because it is the only one offering the Advance Placement in Quincy. Since he is in this program, I kinda just ignore the "flaws" of the school. I have spoken to a few parents who said they know people who have pulled their kids off this very tedious and demanding program, add the ugly facility and cold reception of the administration--- I suppose that was an easy decision for them. I would never pull my kids off advance program if they deserve it, but I am not to push them to it either. Although education is important to me and my family, I don't think that life success is based solely in how well you perform
in middle school ( ahahahahh).
Having said that, I liked the way they did the open house this year. They arranged it into " a day in your child's life" kind of thing. You start in homeroom and proceed to the classes as your kid would. You get a feel of how they go about in their daily routine. Boy, was that chaotic or what? I can only imagine Pherry toting his huge and heavy backpack the whole day on those stairs and hallways. Now I pity him, no wonder he is always hungry and tired after school.
The teachers seem to be very warm and knowledgeable. They appear to really care for the children so that's a good thing. I get the feeling they are frustrated also with all the high student teacher ratio, lack of funds and overall financial constraints to them. How can they sufficiently teach with this situation?The best teachers still can! They just have to be more creative and focused on the curriculum.
Open house time is great to reacquaint yourself to educational systems and governance in general. You will find out different things. I will not elaborate here but, tonight I learned 2 things.
1. Education is a right of every child but it is becoming so unbalanced between the poor and the rich --- yes even in great America.
2. You are the only advocate of your child. The teachers are there to do their job. Most of them genuinely care but the bottom line is you, the parent, needs to be involved. I can complain and talk for all I want but if I put the responsibility of my child's education on teachers and schools alone, my child lose, I lose.
The building is dilapidated, teachers are frustrated ( from my viewpoint), there is no funding--- but still our kids can get a great education--- because the students make the school great and not the other way around.
It is my fervent prayer for my kids to get inspiring teachers. Now more than ever, the kids need inspiration-- a role model who can make them WANT to learn, someone who can make them LIKE going to school. Wouldn't that be great?
How about you, do you attend open house? What do you learn?
The only reason Pherry still attends this school is because it is the only one offering the Advance Placement in Quincy. Since he is in this program, I kinda just ignore the "flaws" of the school. I have spoken to a few parents who said they know people who have pulled their kids off this very tedious and demanding program, add the ugly facility and cold reception of the administration--- I suppose that was an easy decision for them. I would never pull my kids off advance program if they deserve it, but I am not to push them to it either. Although education is important to me and my family, I don't think that life success is based solely in how well you perform
in middle school ( ahahahahh).
Having said that, I liked the way they did the open house this year. They arranged it into " a day in your child's life" kind of thing. You start in homeroom and proceed to the classes as your kid would. You get a feel of how they go about in their daily routine. Boy, was that chaotic or what? I can only imagine Pherry toting his huge and heavy backpack the whole day on those stairs and hallways. Now I pity him, no wonder he is always hungry and tired after school.
The teachers seem to be very warm and knowledgeable. They appear to really care for the children so that's a good thing. I get the feeling they are frustrated also with all the high student teacher ratio, lack of funds and overall financial constraints to them. How can they sufficiently teach with this situation?The best teachers still can! They just have to be more creative and focused on the curriculum.
Open house time is great to reacquaint yourself to educational systems and governance in general. You will find out different things. I will not elaborate here but, tonight I learned 2 things.
1. Education is a right of every child but it is becoming so unbalanced between the poor and the rich --- yes even in great America.
2. You are the only advocate of your child. The teachers are there to do their job. Most of them genuinely care but the bottom line is you, the parent, needs to be involved. I can complain and talk for all I want but if I put the responsibility of my child's education on teachers and schools alone, my child lose, I lose.
The building is dilapidated, teachers are frustrated ( from my viewpoint), there is no funding--- but still our kids can get a great education--- because the students make the school great and not the other way around.
It is my fervent prayer for my kids to get inspiring teachers. Now more than ever, the kids need inspiration-- a role model who can make them WANT to learn, someone who can make them LIKE going to school. Wouldn't that be great?
How about you, do you attend open house? What do you learn?
Friday, September 16, 2011
You are 11 and I am Scared ( and Proud)
Dear KC,
Tomorrow you are going to be 11. How time flies, ha? I try to deny it, but yet it's true. As I type this blogpost, I am working but secretly hoping I'd rather be home cuddling you and just doing nothing or maybe we do that favorite thing I do to you---combing your hair for 100 brushstrokes because you believed what I told you about --- doing this makes your hair so shiny.
Yes, my dear, I love every single thing you tell me to do. I may seem busy at times and yelling more often, but I do take note of those little things we do together. Oh, how we love to giggle in bed past your bedtime and how your Dad makes such a big fuss about it. I love it when you seem so innocent of things---and I wish to protect you from the world. I love seeing your big brown eyes when you get excited---they shine likehuge big light bulbs. I love it when you tell me to stop telling the world you are beautiful--that you know you are but I shouldn't tell everyone. How can I not? YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Inside and out.
Which brings me to think--- what did I do to deserve you? You are such a gentle soul. At times of courseyou fight with your brothers, you mess up your dresser, you "forget" to clean your room, you brushed your teeth last night already(?), don't know where your shoes are, can't find your socks, lose your purse, don't like your ponytails, the lotion is too sticky for you, forget your homework and you brilliantly reason out why you did not ace your test in school. Oh, the joys you bring me.
What did I do right to deserve having a wonderful gift like you? If I know, I'd do it over and over. You are a blessing to me. It is you who looks at me in the eyes and tells me it is alright, that I should smile and stop crying. It is you who reminds me - --- just by being your vibrant self-- that life is beautiful, that I can be the same happy person everyday. Yes dear, you do these and more. I thank God every night for a lifetime blessing and every time I close my eyes and recollect, the pain and all the memories that goes with it just slip away because you and the joy you bring overshadows everything. For that alone, I am blessed.
I know you have so many dreams and these dreams are within your grasp. I am confident you will reach your stars. Now that you are a so called tween, I know there are so many changes in your life. Middle school is going to be tough---peer pressure and all that comes with it. Do not let the little obstacles of your youth hinder your dreams, neither should you let the foolishness of youth slow down your bright path to success. We have talked endlessly ( I am sure you and your brothers are tired of it) about drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and even sex. I know you are extremely intelligent enough to understand me. There will be many people who will tell you otherwise, but always remember you are a special person. A true gift. Do not let drugs and alcohol define your young life. Remember I told you, do not be swayed by others, instead sway them to what is good. If all else fails, go back to who you are--- the values we have taught you is the core of who you are. God, family, love, respect, loyalty, hardwork and social awareness. If you follow these, you will be brought back to what makes you the person me and your dad have envisioned you to be.
Let me thank you for the joy you bring. I may be a little dramatic right now but allow me please little darling. I can not tell you how my heart is overflowing with happiness everytime I get to talk with your teachers and other parents at school who are all happy to have you around. If happiness is tangible ( word of the day?), mine would be as huge as the universe and the milky way. Truly, I can not thank you enough for being my inspiration to get up everyday and work hard so I can come closer to my own dream----since I had you, I dream of only one thing--- to see you and your brothers live the life you love. Yes, my dear, I may sway you in a different direction with your life ( because I am a know-it-all Mom?), but I am confident you can focus and venture on your own. What really matters to me is for you to have a life that you LOVE. All the fame, money and luxury life brings with your hardwork is just icing on the cake. I want you to live your life fully, love life and treasure our memories. Thank you for your smile, your talent and your warm embraces---lest we forget your sweet kisses. Thank you for your polite compliments with my hair and thank you for cooking with me---and eating what we cooked together because no one else will! And I can go on and on....thank you for your sweet little notes, thank you for shopping with me and nope, I won't forget--thank you for whispering I love you all.the.time. That just seals it!
And that is why I am so Scared. Yes, I am a Scared Mom. I am Scared that the world would hurt you, that Life will disenchant you or I will disappoint you. I am so scared of so many things for so many different reasons but my greatest fear right now is losing my little baby because she is growing up to be a beautiful girl. It may sound cliche and selfish but I want you to be my little girl forever. I can just see you twitching your pouty little lips right now and giving me that side look that you so perfectly execute when you feel I am overly protective. I am Scared alright. I am Scared that soon you won't hug Dad in front of everyone, soon you will go shopping with your friends and not with me, soon you spend spa time with your BFF and not MFF ( mom friend forever). I am Scared because you might spend all your free time on the phone and not reading your books, I am Scared because family movietime might become so rare because you'd spend time hanging out with your friends, I am Scared, I am Scared. I am Scared you might cut your long flowy hair short out of teenage urge, because Dad loves your long hair. I am Scared you won't eat with me in our favorite restaurant ( Bertucci's, hello) because you are watching your food intake, I am Scared you won't come with me shopping at craft stores and Lowe's because it is not cool at all. I am Scared because vacations will be harder to plan because you and your brothers will have your own lives. I am Scared someugly hearthrob football player will break your heart. I am Scared Bitchy Little Cheerleader will break your confidence. Hell yeah, I am Scared. And Mommy Scaredy has a whole list why she is Scared. But I tell you this, I am confident you are going to be the young lady I envisioned you to be.
God fearing
Family oriented
Yes I believe so. I am Scared but I am also Proud. OK, I am more Proud than Scared. I am Proud of who you are and I am sure you will surpass all my expectations. There is no glass ceiling for you my dear. Soar high and you can be anyone you want to be. Pray always and keep a glowing fire of good intentions in your heart and nothing is impossible. I have heard you share your dreams and if you do achieve them, no one will be happier than me.
So go on, little angel. Enjoy your day and today marks a new life chapter for you. I was gifted when I had you. I was gifted with a great blessing--- a child who can make life beautiful. So today, I pray our Father Almighty shower you with abundant love and blessing to last a lifetime.
I love you. Dad loves you. Kuya and Ading love you. A whole lot of people love you. Because you are Special.
I am Scared, but not anymore.
Tomorrow you are going to be 11. How time flies, ha? I try to deny it, but yet it's true. As I type this blogpost, I am working but secretly hoping I'd rather be home cuddling you and just doing nothing or maybe we do that favorite thing I do to you---combing your hair for 100 brushstrokes because you believed what I told you about --- doing this makes your hair so shiny.
Yes, my dear, I love every single thing you tell me to do. I may seem busy at times and yelling more often, but I do take note of those little things we do together. Oh, how we love to giggle in bed past your bedtime and how your Dad makes such a big fuss about it. I love it when you seem so innocent of things---and I wish to protect you from the world. I love seeing your big brown eyes when you get excited---they shine like
Which brings me to think--- what did I do to deserve you? You are such a gentle soul. At times of course
What did I do right to deserve having a wonderful gift like you? If I know, I'd do it over and over. You are a blessing to me. It is you who looks at me in the eyes and tells me it is alright, that I should smile and stop crying. It is you who reminds me - --- just by being your vibrant self-- that life is beautiful, that I can be the same happy person everyday. Yes dear, you do these and more. I thank God every night for a lifetime blessing and every time I close my eyes and recollect, the pain and all the memories that goes with it just slip away because you and the joy you bring overshadows everything. For that alone, I am blessed.
I know you have so many dreams and these dreams are within your grasp. I am confident you will reach your stars. Now that you are a so called tween, I know there are so many changes in your life. Middle school is going to be tough---peer pressure and all that comes with it. Do not let the little obstacles of your youth hinder your dreams, neither should you let the foolishness of youth slow down your bright path to success. We have talked endlessly ( I am sure you and your brothers are tired of it) about drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and even sex. I know you are extremely intelligent enough to understand me. There will be many people who will tell you otherwise, but always remember you are a special person. A true gift. Do not let drugs and alcohol define your young life. Remember I told you, do not be swayed by others, instead sway them to what is good. If all else fails, go back to who you are--- the values we have taught you is the core of who you are. God, family, love, respect, loyalty, hardwork and social awareness. If you follow these, you will be brought back to what makes you the person me and your dad have envisioned you to be.
Let me thank you for the joy you bring. I may be a little dramatic right now but allow me please little darling. I can not tell you how my heart is overflowing with happiness everytime I get to talk with your teachers and other parents at school who are all happy to have you around. If happiness is tangible ( word of the day?), mine would be as huge as the universe and the milky way. Truly, I can not thank you enough for being my inspiration to get up everyday and work hard so I can come closer to my own dream----since I had you, I dream of only one thing--- to see you and your brothers live the life you love. Yes, my dear, I may sway you in a different direction with your life ( because I am a know-it-all Mom?), but I am confident you can focus and venture on your own. What really matters to me is for you to have a life that you LOVE. All the fame, money and luxury life brings with your hardwork is just icing on the cake. I want you to live your life fully, love life and treasure our memories. Thank you for your smile, your talent and your warm embraces---lest we forget your sweet kisses. Thank you for your polite compliments with my hair and thank you for cooking with me---and eating what we cooked together because no one else will! And I can go on and on....thank you for your sweet little notes, thank you for shopping with me and nope, I won't forget--thank you for whispering I love you all.the.time. That just seals it!
And that is why I am so Scared. Yes, I am a Scared Mom. I am Scared that the world would hurt you, that Life will disenchant you or I will disappoint you. I am so scared of so many things for so many different reasons but my greatest fear right now is losing my little baby because she is growing up to be a beautiful girl. It may sound cliche and selfish but I want you to be my little girl forever. I can just see you twitching your pouty little lips right now and giving me that side look that you so perfectly execute when you feel I am overly protective. I am Scared alright. I am Scared that soon you won't hug Dad in front of everyone, soon you will go shopping with your friends and not with me, soon you spend spa time with your BFF and not MFF ( mom friend forever). I am Scared because you might spend all your free time on the phone and not reading your books, I am Scared because family movietime might become so rare because you'd spend time hanging out with your friends, I am Scared, I am Scared. I am Scared you might cut your long flowy hair short out of teenage urge, because Dad loves your long hair. I am Scared you won't eat with me in our favorite restaurant ( Bertucci's, hello) because you are watching your food intake, I am Scared you won't come with me shopping at craft stores and Lowe's because it is not cool at all. I am Scared because vacations will be harder to plan because you and your brothers will have your own lives. I am Scared some
God fearing
Family oriented
Yes I believe so. I am Scared but I am also Proud. OK, I am more Proud than Scared. I am Proud of who you are and I am sure you will surpass all my expectations. There is no glass ceiling for you my dear. Soar high and you can be anyone you want to be. Pray always and keep a glowing fire of good intentions in your heart and nothing is impossible. I have heard you share your dreams and if you do achieve them, no one will be happier than me.
So go on, little angel. Enjoy your day and today marks a new life chapter for you. I was gifted when I had you. I was gifted with a great blessing--- a child who can make life beautiful. So today, I pray our Father Almighty shower you with abundant love and blessing to last a lifetime.
I love you. Dad loves you. Kuya and Ading love you. A whole lot of people love you. Because you are Special.
I am Scared, but not anymore.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
(Now) I love Wednesday
As I was slowly walking to work, actually, dragging is a better word, beautiful things happened. Today is particularly bad for me--- headache and in dire need of sleep, so I wore jeans and a T and my cutesy purple Reebok--- not very professional if you ask me but whatever. Since I was early to work, there were still people from the nite crew--- people I used to see.
Janitor: Good morning beautiful.
Me: Good morning, I don't know who beautiful is but if I see her, I would say you said hi.
J: hey hey, I see her right here, this maw-nin. I used to see her every night but now I see her only if I deserve to see beauty, I guess.
Me: oh, thank you.
I smiled and waved goodbye.
I tell you I smiled all the way to heaven.
Nope, just kidding, I just smiled foolishly alone at the elevator.
But I could smile all the way to heaven, couldn't I?
I go straight to the bathroom to see that beautiful girl in the mirror ( gotta believe the janitor, right?).Lol. Then a couple of co- workers arrived and started complimenting each other and talking about how one of them can't wear jeans and Ts, and how one never used to and just got comfy doing so and got stuck. I come out of the bathroom and say,
B: ahhahah, exactly my get up for day.
Co-worker1: lab people tend to get trapped like this.
CW2: But Bernadette, you rock the look, Ts and jeans, you look like a Gap model in their commercial.
B: oh, thank you.
Once again, I smiled and left.
I smiled all the way to heaven.
To heaven and back.
Back to earth I was still smiling.
Then, I went straight to the bathroom to see the Gap model rocking that Ts and jeans look. Gotta believe the co worker, right?
Happy Wednesday everyone and go rock that white T and jeans look!
Janitor: Good morning beautiful.
Me: Good morning, I don't know who beautiful is but if I see her, I would say you said hi.
J: hey hey, I see her right here, this maw-nin. I used to see her every night but now I see her only if I deserve to see beauty, I guess.
Me: oh, thank you.
I smiled and waved goodbye.
I tell you I smiled all the way to heaven.
Nope, just kidding, I just smiled foolishly alone at the elevator.
But I could smile all the way to heaven, couldn't I?
I go straight to the bathroom to see that beautiful girl in the mirror ( gotta believe the janitor, right?).Lol. Then a couple of co- workers arrived and started complimenting each other and talking about how one of them can't wear jeans and Ts, and how one never used to and just got comfy doing so and got stuck. I come out of the bathroom and say,
B: ahhahah, exactly my get up for day.
Co-worker1: lab people tend to get trapped like this.
CW2: But Bernadette, you rock the look, Ts and jeans, you look like a Gap model in their commercial.
B: oh, thank you.
Once again, I smiled and left.
I smiled all the way to heaven.
To heaven and back.
Back to earth I was still smiling.
Then, I went straight to the bathroom to see the Gap model rocking that Ts and jeans look. Gotta believe the co worker, right?
Happy Wednesday everyone and go rock that white T and jeans look!
Open house
Every year, when school starts, the schools schedule an "open house" meeting where parents get to meet the teachers and roam around the school to familiarize yourself and you know, just to get a feel of what your kids see everyday. They also give you primers on what activities are available for the kids and some warnings ( middle school drinking, health studies) and just some changes in curriculum or some rules. This year the big change is the new Massachusetts concussion law. I am fine with it, some parents think it's too much hassle---but the more safety net for me and the kids, the better.
So, the Llaga of MS trooped to Reay Sterling Middle School at 6 pm on a beautiful Tuesday. I tell you, it was nice being out just to enjoy the night. KC's homeroom teacher is Miss Blasken who was Chris' science teacher!!! She is one of those teachers that you really tend to like because not only is she excellent ( according to my kids), she is very pleasant and accessible. I like it when parents are able to approach a teacher regarding a lesson or a question on the homework. It's just so much better and I am sure the teacher likes it when parents are involved in their kids' education.
Anyway, Miss Blasken was so excited to see Chris also and funny how she said Pherry has gotten so tall and that afterwards, Pherry said that's what everyone tells him just because there is nothing else to say about him.... and she gushed how beautifu KC was ( again...?) and how she was so excited to get KC on her homeroom class. KC hates it when I say she is so popular in school, but she really is. Anyhoo achoo, it was nice seeing a whole lot of parents showed up this time. I am always saddened by the fact that so many parents are disinterested with their kids education. The teachers can only do so much, it is a collaboration of home and school. We also saw Mr. Petronelli ( lovingly nicknamed Mr. Pet in Lincoln-Hancock---the kids elementary school) and his family and some familiar faces.
Here are my three Little Monkeys while waiting for the introduction to start....aren't they the cutest little Monkeys?
Here is my ever beautiful KC, new middleschooler ( is that a word?) and birthday girl!!!
Meanwhile, there were five 13 year olds in my house when I got home yesterday. Pherry and his friends were hanging out in the house. Five boys-- 13 year olds or so--in my house. Open house? They apparently cooked their own noodle soup and washed the dishes after. Is this going to be a norm, I mean having kids hanging out in my house? Oh my Lord! I reminded Pherry about "no people upstairs rule" and apparently it was followed---or so Joshua says--- you know how they tell Josh "not to tell Mama/Papa or else..."
Oh the joy! I have 2 more open houses to attend and I hope to enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed yeterday's and bring on those darn kids! I'd rather have them hanging out in my house than on the streets anyway.
So, the Llaga of MS trooped to Reay Sterling Middle School at 6 pm on a beautiful Tuesday. I tell you, it was nice being out just to enjoy the night. KC's homeroom teacher is Miss Blasken who was Chris' science teacher!!! She is one of those teachers that you really tend to like because not only is she excellent ( according to my kids), she is very pleasant and accessible. I like it when parents are able to approach a teacher regarding a lesson or a question on the homework. It's just so much better and I am sure the teacher likes it when parents are involved in their kids' education.
Anyway, Miss Blasken was so excited to see Chris also and funny how she said Pherry has gotten so tall and that afterwards, Pherry said that's what everyone tells him just because there is nothing else to say about him.... and she gushed how beautifu KC was ( again...?) and how she was so excited to get KC on her homeroom class. KC hates it when I say she is so popular in school, but she really is. Anyhoo achoo, it was nice seeing a whole lot of parents showed up this time. I am always saddened by the fact that so many parents are disinterested with their kids education. The teachers can only do so much, it is a collaboration of home and school. We also saw Mr. Petronelli ( lovingly nicknamed Mr. Pet in Lincoln-Hancock---the kids elementary school) and his family and some familiar faces.
Here are my three Little Monkeys while waiting for the introduction to start....aren't they the cutest little Monkeys?
Here is my ever beautiful KC, new middleschooler ( is that a word?) and birthday girl!!!
Meanwhile, there were five 13 year olds in my house when I got home yesterday. Pherry and his friends were hanging out in the house. Five boys-- 13 year olds or so--in my house. Open house? They apparently cooked their own noodle soup and washed the dishes after. Is this going to be a norm, I mean having kids hanging out in my house? Oh my Lord! I reminded Pherry about "no people upstairs rule" and apparently it was followed---or so Joshua says--- you know how they tell Josh "not to tell Mama/Papa or else..."
Oh the joy! I have 2 more open houses to attend and I hope to enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed yeterday's and bring on those darn kids! I'd rather have them hanging out in my house than on the streets anyway.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Kids are back in school
Yesterday the kids went back to school. KC gave me the guilt trip the night before by saying it was the first time I did not drop her off to first day of school... guilty mommy. To those who aren't regular readers ( why are you not, we are cool here ) I recently moved to the dayshift from working the evening shift (3pm-11pm). I love dropping off my kids to school. This is the time for me to remind them of my usual "sermon", which they tend to finish my sentences because I tend to repeat my daily reminders. Yeah, I tend to do that, see what I mean? Tend. Anyway, every parent should talk to their kids. Not that I am an expert in parenting ( heck, I am not even close), I just think that it is the easiest way to connect. When are you going to talk to them? When they are in trouble? When they seem to tune you out? There will be a time where even as parents you can't dictate what you want--- even if it's for their own good. So I do take advantage of our 10 minute drive to school to impart some good values to them or even to just ask them who sang whatever is playing on the radio. I feel that I need to read, watch and listen to the same things my kids are engaged in--- so I can relate and therefore they feel they can easily connect to me. I read all the books they have been reading lately like that kid Percy Jackson- reintroduced myself to Greek and Egyptian mythology so I can discuss topics they are into right now . Things to torture myself, ha? What Greek, Roman and Egyptian mythology? My golly wowzaaa!
My kids are now 8, 5, and 3rd grade respectively and I feel I need to be more focused with them now. Middle school is tough and I can only imagine the peer pressure KC and Chris go through. I want it to be a little better by being there and just making myself available. You know, letting them know they have someone to run to and someone to listen to their young problems, because little we may think of it, to middle schoolers, it's the end of the world.
So I spent a good 15-20 minutes talking to them of things I expect from them this school year. I told Chris to be more proactive and be more involved with school activities. I emphasized that academic achievement is not the only important thing he needed to succeed in life-- that he needs to be more aware of society, that social contribution is as important as academic learning to be a rounded citizen. Also I told him to be more organized and locking himself in the bedroom is a no-no. He needs to spend time with his brother and sister and to be a big brother and not so grouchy to them .
To KC I reaffirmed my happiness with her leadership in school. I told her I want her to be more focused on her mathematics this year because she seems to fall behind. I asked her to be honest with me and to know I am always there If she needs someone to talk to and that she need not give in to peer pressure and that she is beautiful and a wonderful person and to value who she is.
Josh is such a good student I can't seem to know what to tell him but last night I told him to be more giving and not a braggart. I told him to read more and also to be a big boy and not cry when someone teases him.
As you can see, I covered a whole lot of issues. I don't really outline anything when I talk to my kids, what's important to me is they know I am there for them. I made sure they know I make time for them.
Here are the notes I left them yesterday morning--
My kids are now 8, 5, and 3rd grade respectively and I feel I need to be more focused with them now. Middle school is tough and I can only imagine the peer pressure KC and Chris go through. I want it to be a little better by being there and just making myself available. You know, letting them know they have someone to run to and someone to listen to their young problems, because little we may think of it, to middle schoolers, it's the end of the world.
So I spent a good 15-20 minutes talking to them of things I expect from them this school year. I told Chris to be more proactive and be more involved with school activities. I emphasized that academic achievement is not the only important thing he needed to succeed in life-- that he needs to be more aware of society, that social contribution is as important as academic learning to be a rounded citizen. Also I told him to be more organized and locking himself in the bedroom is a no-no. He needs to spend time with his brother and sister and to be a big brother and not so grouchy to them .
To KC I reaffirmed my happiness with her leadership in school. I told her I want her to be more focused on her mathematics this year because she seems to fall behind. I asked her to be honest with me and to know I am always there If she needs someone to talk to and that she need not give in to peer pressure and that she is beautiful and a wonderful person and to value who she is.
Josh is such a good student I can't seem to know what to tell him but last night I told him to be more giving and not a braggart. I told him to read more and also to be a big boy and not cry when someone teases him.
As you can see, I covered a whole lot of issues. I don't really outline anything when I talk to my kids, what's important to me is they know I am there for them. I made sure they know I make time for them.
Here are the notes I left them yesterday morning--
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Ok so I guess this is not an update... more like summary. My gosh golly wow!!!! I have so many things to tell you about. I have no excuse for not writing except that I am overly --- BUSY? Nope. Anyway... since this is an online blogging thing for my family, I have to chronicle our day to day life. What day to day life? i can't even write every week and i say day to day? I try, at least. Anyway, these are the things I wanted to blog about but got buried deep and you know what they say, the more stuff piled up, the lazier you are to start. Who said that?
I promise to write each summarized event in detail next time but for now, I do not like the summer to end without laying all these happenings cause then, they will all be forgotten. BTW, they may not be in order, I will just rumble whatever is in my brain. BRAIN? I do have a brain? Wowzee!
1. Spring vacation was awesome. We started off to Mystic Museum in CT and visited the seaside campus of Celtic's Ray Allen. Stayed overnight and headed off to Philadelphia the next day. I love Philly--and the cheesesteak is the bomb! We went to a couple of "recommended" and voted best Philly cheesesteak. I can tell you, nothing beats oldtime style--mom and pop stores are the best. We visited the usual historic sites we love like the Liberty Bell and some other stuff. But, BUT for me, I love the Old Wanamaker Building, now occupied by a Macy's at Market St. Don't miss the Wanamaker Organ and the Grand Court. I love it and
the best thing? It is FREE! Ring a bell, FREE! Well, mostly all the historic sites in Philly are free like washington DC. NOw, that's America. If only Disneyworld is free. I'd live there. Well, hello Mr. Disney, can I work for lifetime free tickets?
We did not plan any of this " Spring break" vacation. In fact, I had to go to Macy's to shop for 1 day outfits for all of us because we.do.not.have.anything. Yup, that's how we roll!
2. Easter was great!
3. Father's Day. I treated Mr. Hubbs to a nice lunch at Kingfish Hall in Quincy Market. Of course the whole family and the geng was there, including Ben and Caitlin with Tia Bibing. More on these friends soon. After lunch, we walked to the North End and headed to Mike's Pastry. Oooooh, the cannolis are the best. Then, some of us took a short cruise to the other end of Boston and back. It was a nice time with family and friends. Before we ended the day, my family went to visit Mr. Hubbs Tatay ( father) at the cemetery. Then we went to Wolllaston Beach and just people watched. Yes, I love watching people. the weather is great and perfect for just lying on the sand.
3. The Boston Bruins is the Stanley Cup champs!!! Yes! Let me tell you, we went to the parade! It was crazy, crazy crazy! I willl have to show you pics soon to show the craziness. Suffice to say, we were crazy just for going---the trains were PACKED! Promis to tell you more soon.
4. Oh, Summer is here. First wave of summer we headed to New Hampshire---Gunstock Mountain for our Fourth of July celebration. We rented a chalet with my "geng". Geng= Sol, Grace, Venice and Fridah and the boys. Yup V and G, you need to take home those boys soon. LOL. I had so much fun at the Gunstock Mountain Resort because there was an arts and crafts fair on the grounds. Me on vacation plus arts and crafts= awesomeness. But the kids loved the scenic lift rides and the paddle boats, kayaks and canoes by the pond. Ok, ok, I'll admit it---I had so much fun kayaking too. When I see the whole family giggling and just having fun, i want to freeze the moment. yup, praying all these happy memories will be treasured and that the Three Monkeys would have warm thoughts reminiscing. We had fun swimming by the lake which is a mere 5 minute drive from our rented chalet. Of course, we visited Weirs Beach, the home of the Annual Motorcycle Rally. I was not impressed with the tiny beach and the supposed beautiful view of Lake Winnipeesaukee Lake. Maybe, because I have seen it from Meredith NH and had a tour starting from Meredith. I just love the town of Meredith.
We bought a little stash of fireworks and lighted up the night. It was fun.... great people, great time.
5. Pherry's bday. We celebrated Pherry's bday in Montreal with his cousin Joei. Joie's bday is the 18th and she turned 11, while Pherry is 13 on the the 19th. It was the first meeting of my kids and 2 other cousins--- AJ and Andrei, beautiful kids of my youngest sister Bernanette. I was very very happy for my kids to finally have cousins their age---I know that feeling. So, it was so much fun watching them and seeing how they bonded so quick. Now, we have another set of 3 Ambiongs--- AJ, Joie and KC, just like me and my 2 sisters--Bernadette, Bernabeth and Bernanette. And oh, that darn Andrei is so kyoot!!! He is still learning to speak English and I love it. He kinda just jive in and roll it out with Josh and Precious. Of course, I had so much time with my 3 sisters too. Yup, you guessed it--- we ate, and ate--and ate! My sister Janette is the best! She cooks way too much food---and I say 'ok let's eat! LOL. During this trip, my brother-in-law Atoy bought his fancy schmancy white Lexus. Top that! He deserves it---my sister and him are hard workers and they are good people. They need to reward themselves more.... and me too. They need to reward me by letting me have that fancy Lek-soos in my hands baby.... I t is always sad to say goodbye. I saw it in KC's eyes, she was sad. SHe finally has cousins who she can bond and have the same interests and she knows they love her. I saw Josh wanting to cry-- and Pherry-- ahhhhh.
6. My sister-in-law died of breast cancer last week of July.
7. Boston day trip--- we finally did the Codzilla and it was so much fun. Although a bit pricey, I still like it. The Three Monkeys enjoyed it too. We took the T to Boston and enjoyed every bit of it---except the soaking rain. We dined at Bertucci's by the Faneuil Hall in Quincy Market and had fried dough. Cheers to fried dough! Who doesn't love fried dough?
8. Another Montreal trip! This time it is a week long vacation and we did so much more. Since we did the Old Montreal visit and biking last time, this time we visited Mont Tremblant. This is the second timwe we visit this place. I think this place is overpriced for the attraction it offers---but I love the Euro feel of the entire resort. We all trooped to see Montgolfieres' International Balloon Festival. Now, this is worth it. I think we paid about $65.00 foir a family of five---the grounds is loaded with all baloon ganes you can think of, is so organized and huge AND we got to see Kesha and LMFAO at night! I know, we should not be bringing the kids to see Kesha, right? Waaahahhhaha. We all loved it. Unfortunately the hot air balloon show was scrapped because of bad weather. but it was still fun. My sister janette was funny---she kept asking why Kesah sings this--and that---profanity laced songs, you know and kept noticing how she is not skinny as the other girls on TV.... om my sister, geez!
Aside from all these, we had a blast just hanging out at my sister's house in Lachine Quebec--- a 15 minute drive to Montreal. Across from her house is LaSalle Parc ( click on this link to see how much fun my sister's place is.) http://www.flickr.com//photos/39462882@N07/sets/72157624757102276/show/. Everyday we go swimming, biking or just playing basketball. Oh, oh, by the way, we extended our stay there because Mr. Hubbs and my 2 brothers-in-law wanted to join the basketball league at Snowdon Church. Oh, if I can only tell you the truth----but I am a good wife, so I will tell you that they did well.... LOL.
We were invited to a few dinners by our cousins and good friends. My cousin Bing is fabulous---she serves the best food. What's better than good food and good family around? Nothing! We had such fun time just teasing each other and reminiscing stories from back home. So, if you know me ( I laugh LOUD---as in LOUD), amplify that by the number of cousins and nieces and nephews and boy, you get a riot equal to that RIOT in Vancouver when the Canucks lost to the Boston Bruins---- hahahhahha, got to rub that in, eh?
Before we left, we celebrated AJ's bday! My beautiful niece is now a teenager, how bittersweet. It means the original Ambiong beauties are old! Hahaahhaha. Anyway, I did not spend a lot of time with her because we moved to the US by then so it was really a nice bonding with her this time . She is so sweet and such a responsible big sister to Andrei. I love you AJ!
9. We are on the finishing touches of the patio we built. Yup, we built it ourselves! I will post pics soon.
Hopefully that covers it for now. Labor Day here in the US and the kids and I went school supply shopping. Wheeew, I need more money! But at least, because we shopped this late, theere was no craziness and much of the stuff is on clearance sale already, so all is good. I need to tell you again that Target is the best place to shop for clearance.
Ooooohh... September! I went to a couple of shops and they have Halloween decors already on sale=-==if you were in the Philippines, you'd hear Christmas music and Christmas trees are up!
September is also my only Princess' birthday month! I love you September, you bring beauty to this world!
Hopefully I can catch up on my blogging soo---if you follow me on Facebook, you would know my PC is broken--shocks!
I promise to write each summarized event in detail next time but for now, I do not like the summer to end without laying all these happenings cause then, they will all be forgotten. BTW, they may not be in order, I will just rumble whatever is in my brain. BRAIN? I do have a brain? Wowzee!
1. Spring vacation was awesome. We started off to Mystic Museum in CT and visited the seaside campus of Celtic's Ray Allen. Stayed overnight and headed off to Philadelphia the next day. I love Philly--and the cheesesteak is the bomb! We went to a couple of "recommended" and voted best Philly cheesesteak. I can tell you, nothing beats oldtime style--mom and pop stores are the best. We visited the usual historic sites we love like the Liberty Bell and some other stuff. But, BUT for me, I love the Old Wanamaker Building, now occupied by a Macy's at Market St. Don't miss the Wanamaker Organ and the Grand Court. I love it and
the best thing? It is FREE! Ring a bell, FREE! Well, mostly all the historic sites in Philly are free like washington DC. NOw, that's America. If only Disneyworld is free. I'd live there. Well, hello Mr. Disney, can I work for lifetime free tickets?
We did not plan any of this " Spring break" vacation. In fact, I had to go to Macy's to shop for 1 day outfits for all of us because we.do.not.have.anything. Yup, that's how we roll!
2. Easter was great!
3. Father's Day. I treated Mr. Hubbs to a nice lunch at Kingfish Hall in Quincy Market. Of course the whole family and the geng was there, including Ben and Caitlin with Tia Bibing. More on these friends soon. After lunch, we walked to the North End and headed to Mike's Pastry. Oooooh, the cannolis are the best. Then, some of us took a short cruise to the other end of Boston and back. It was a nice time with family and friends. Before we ended the day, my family went to visit Mr. Hubbs Tatay ( father) at the cemetery. Then we went to Wolllaston Beach and just people watched. Yes, I love watching people. the weather is great and perfect for just lying on the sand.
3. The Boston Bruins is the Stanley Cup champs!!! Yes! Let me tell you, we went to the parade! It was crazy, crazy crazy! I willl have to show you pics soon to show the craziness. Suffice to say, we were crazy just for going---the trains were PACKED! Promis to tell you more soon.
4. Oh, Summer is here. First wave of summer we headed to New Hampshire---Gunstock Mountain for our Fourth of July celebration. We rented a chalet with my "geng". Geng= Sol, Grace, Venice and Fridah and the boys. Yup V and G, you need to take home those boys soon. LOL. I had so much fun at the Gunstock Mountain Resort because there was an arts and crafts fair on the grounds. Me on vacation plus arts and crafts= awesomeness. But the kids loved the scenic lift rides and the paddle boats, kayaks and canoes by the pond. Ok, ok, I'll admit it---I had so much fun kayaking too. When I see the whole family giggling and just having fun, i want to freeze the moment. yup, praying all these happy memories will be treasured and that the Three Monkeys would have warm thoughts reminiscing. We had fun swimming by the lake which is a mere 5 minute drive from our rented chalet. Of course, we visited Weirs Beach, the home of the Annual Motorcycle Rally. I was not impressed with the tiny beach and the supposed beautiful view of Lake Winnipeesaukee Lake. Maybe, because I have seen it from Meredith NH and had a tour starting from Meredith. I just love the town of Meredith.
We bought a little stash of fireworks and lighted up the night. It was fun.... great people, great time.
5. Pherry's bday. We celebrated Pherry's bday in Montreal with his cousin Joei. Joie's bday is the 18th and she turned 11, while Pherry is 13 on the the 19th. It was the first meeting of my kids and 2 other cousins--- AJ and Andrei, beautiful kids of my youngest sister Bernanette. I was very very happy for my kids to finally have cousins their age---I know that feeling. So, it was so much fun watching them and seeing how they bonded so quick. Now, we have another set of 3 Ambiongs--- AJ, Joie and KC, just like me and my 2 sisters--Bernadette, Bernabeth and Bernanette. And oh, that darn Andrei is so kyoot!!! He is still learning to speak English and I love it. He kinda just jive in and roll it out with Josh and Precious. Of course, I had so much time with my 3 sisters too. Yup, you guessed it--- we ate, and ate--and ate! My sister Janette is the best! She cooks way too much food---and I say 'ok let's eat! LOL. During this trip, my brother-in-law Atoy bought his fancy schmancy white Lexus. Top that! He deserves it---my sister and him are hard workers and they are good people. They need to reward themselves more.... and me too. They need to reward me by letting me have that fancy Lek-soos in my hands baby.... I t is always sad to say goodbye. I saw it in KC's eyes, she was sad. SHe finally has cousins who she can bond and have the same interests and she knows they love her. I saw Josh wanting to cry-- and Pherry-- ahhhhh.
6. My sister-in-law died of breast cancer last week of July.
7. Boston day trip--- we finally did the Codzilla and it was so much fun. Although a bit pricey, I still like it. The Three Monkeys enjoyed it too. We took the T to Boston and enjoyed every bit of it---except the soaking rain. We dined at Bertucci's by the Faneuil Hall in Quincy Market and had fried dough. Cheers to fried dough! Who doesn't love fried dough?
8. Another Montreal trip! This time it is a week long vacation and we did so much more. Since we did the Old Montreal visit and biking last time, this time we visited Mont Tremblant. This is the second timwe we visit this place. I think this place is overpriced for the attraction it offers---but I love the Euro feel of the entire resort. We all trooped to see Montgolfieres' International Balloon Festival. Now, this is worth it. I think we paid about $65.00 foir a family of five---the grounds is loaded with all baloon ganes you can think of, is so organized and huge AND we got to see Kesha and LMFAO at night! I know, we should not be bringing the kids to see Kesha, right? Waaahahhhaha. We all loved it. Unfortunately the hot air balloon show was scrapped because of bad weather. but it was still fun. My sister janette was funny---she kept asking why Kesah sings this--and that---profanity laced songs, you know and kept noticing how she is not skinny as the other girls on TV.... om my sister, geez!
Aside from all these, we had a blast just hanging out at my sister's house in Lachine Quebec--- a 15 minute drive to Montreal. Across from her house is LaSalle Parc ( click on this link to see how much fun my sister's place is.) http://www.flickr.com//photos/39462882@N07/sets/72157624757102276/show/. Everyday we go swimming, biking or just playing basketball. Oh, oh, by the way, we extended our stay there because Mr. Hubbs and my 2 brothers-in-law wanted to join the basketball league at Snowdon Church. Oh, if I can only tell you the truth----but I am a good wife, so I will tell you that they did well.... LOL.
We were invited to a few dinners by our cousins and good friends. My cousin Bing is fabulous---she serves the best food. What's better than good food and good family around? Nothing! We had such fun time just teasing each other and reminiscing stories from back home. So, if you know me ( I laugh LOUD---as in LOUD), amplify that by the number of cousins and nieces and nephews and boy, you get a riot equal to that RIOT in Vancouver when the Canucks lost to the Boston Bruins---- hahahhahha, got to rub that in, eh?
Before we left, we celebrated AJ's bday! My beautiful niece is now a teenager, how bittersweet. It means the original Ambiong beauties are old! Hahaahhaha. Anyway, I did not spend a lot of time with her because we moved to the US by then so it was really a nice bonding with her this time . She is so sweet and such a responsible big sister to Andrei. I love you AJ!
9. We are on the finishing touches of the patio we built. Yup, we built it ourselves! I will post pics soon.
Hopefully that covers it for now. Labor Day here in the US and the kids and I went school supply shopping. Wheeew, I need more money! But at least, because we shopped this late, theere was no craziness and much of the stuff is on clearance sale already, so all is good. I need to tell you again that Target is the best place to shop for clearance.
Ooooohh... September! I went to a couple of shops and they have Halloween decors already on sale=-==if you were in the Philippines, you'd hear Christmas music and Christmas trees are up!
September is also my only Princess' birthday month! I love you September, you bring beauty to this world!
Hopefully I can catch up on my blogging soo---if you follow me on Facebook, you would know my PC is broken--shocks!
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