Friday, March 13, 2015

Brag Day

Hello! Haven't done this for long!

This one is overdue! I was so tired from work and plumped myself to the sofa. Pherry came over and gave me this! National Honor Society invitation of membership. 

I am not surprised at all for this invitation. Nor am I surprised that he thinks it's just a waste. He honestly thinks these things are "for ego inflation" only. His words not mine. 

Nevertheless I encouraged him for college application purposes which I know is useless coz I know some who has this and not really gotten to so called better school. My encouragement is more for documentation in case he needs it and at the same time for ego inflation--- of me. Not his. Coz if you know him, he is adamant of not letting the world know how brilliant he is. 

How about you, what are your "ego inflation" only things? Ha, I'm just a mom. Don't judge me. Lol. 

Have a great Friday one and all!

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