Friday, October 13, 2017
Random Thoughts on my Birthday 2017 ( The Bakit List)
1 why aren't there more sincere and kind people?
2 why can't I be more sincere and kind, is the better question?
3. Why is Trump so crazy? He said today he talked to the president of the Virgin Islands. He is the president of the Virgin Islands. Duh!
4. Why are there people falling for #fakenews?
5. Why are there still people equating quiet to finesse? Damn! You could be quiet coz you have nothing intelligent to say!
6. Why is it wrong to be millennial? It should t be.
7. Why is WalMart cleaner than Macy's? I can never go to Macy's without getting so dizzy.
8. Why is Ocean Deep? Hahahahaha. Only personal friends can "get" this.
9. Why is Retin-A expensive. Cheaper than Botox you say. I agree. Lol
10. Why do I pray for world peace and it's been crazy? Cliche but true.
11. Why do I need Apple Watch? Serious question. Why? Do I?
12. Why do Asians love bowling? Seriously, if you go to bowling alleys here in the US, you would see majority of the crowd is Asian.
13. Why is George Clooney so yummy?
14. Why am I so blessed to have Chris and my kids? I am eternally grateful.
15. Why is it that I can't bring myself to weekly mani/pedi? It's so freaking expensive.
16. Why are there condescending people so in reality don't really know anything? I can answer my own question but it will be condescending. Lol
17. Why is it that taking a different stand is seen as against you. No, it's nothing personal.
18. Why aren't there more decent men?
19. Why are the rich getting richer? Age old question.
20. Why do I love Emmanuela so much? She's so funny. Go ahead goggle Emmanuela.
21. Amazon, why name Alexa, Alexa?
22. Why is Frank Underwood so mean yet so appealing to me? Also, go ahead and google Frank Underwood.
23. Why are there so many commercial gaps on my fave TV shows?
24. Why are there so many religions? Can't we all enrol into the school of Humanity?
25. Why do I always hear, "don't judge?" I judge. You're a hypocrite if you say you don't. The fact that you chose to live where you are is because you judge. The fact that you though of me as bad just for writing this is because you judge. So yeah, we all judge.
26. Recently, every time I look st this person, I close my mouth back because I don't want to talk. Not cause I have nothing good to say or coz I'm scared of being shutdown ( when did that ever stop em 😝) bit coz there's no use to argue with stupid people. When I say the plan does not look as good as I initially thought, it does not look good. In this project, I am the SME. SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT. So shut it.
27. Why does Siri let me repeat over and over. Is it my accent Siri? Please ain't so.
28. Inspite of my thinking that I am not shy or so, Why do I tend to get red when I speak in front of other people?
29. Why is Barry Manilow gay? I grew with his senti songs.
30. Why is Raymond Reddington so like me? Crazy but sweet?
31. Why are there people disputing that Tom Brady is the GOAT? Seriously!
My time has ran out! But I can assure you, I am NOT 31.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!
Monday, October 2, 2017
New School Year and Then Some
Here's few pics on the first few days of school.
And here's Josh with his ROTC uniforms.
Hope I can do this Blogging g thing more often.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Pherry Goes Back to College
Anyway, we dropped off Pherry 2 weeks ago and I thought I am going to be chill, you know. But no..... not at all. I was still a mess and a wreck. I suppose as a mom you never get over it.
He moved to a different side of the campus. UMASS AMherst is a huge campus. Luckily he is still near a dining hall ( did you know, his school has award winning dining?) and centered to where most of his classes are. We dropped him off early coz he volunteered to be part of the Welcome Team for the freshmen and transferees.
Here's a few pics. And when I see few, i mean a lot so beware.
Packed like crazy.
He buys books and would not let me touch them. and that salakot makes an appearance of course. I like his new room as it is very bright.
We were hungry when we got there but his schedule to unload was 12-2 only so we had to make sure we did. Imagine having thousands of students moving in at the same is a logistics nightmare and I am so glad, UMass Amherst got this really good. But fixing his room took a lot less as KC was such a big help.
Here's my family inside Pherry's sophomore dorm. We sure are not perfect but we all try to be happy. I am truly blessed to have my kids who have never given me any major problems or embarrassments as well as my ever patient husband.
KC wanted to take his brother's ukelele. Of course he wouldn't let her.
His desk. I don't really know he would need 2 PCs but whatever. Hahahaha.
The line of cars was too long so we were having fun just waiting. Chris and KC just took Pherry's fencing sword and started using it---the wrong way, like a sword. ANd here's a pic of me and KC.
Do you think I'll be better next year?
Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!
Monday, August 21, 2017
Another Decade Starts
32. Considering that you and I are mere mortals, we should all get along. What's so hared about that.
33. I think my fave season is now Fall. I think.
34. Instagram rules.
35. Wendy's twitter account is awesome.
36. I still love Tina Tagle, Cecil van Straten and MarketManila.
37. I am still loud so if you are pasosy, dont be friends with me. I don't like you either. tse, heheheh.
38. I haven't been to MAcy's for a very long time. That's good. That store is so disorganized.
39. I have the best friends and family I can always lean on.
40.My vocabulary has expanded to include the Sarcasm language. In fact I have mastered it the most, surpassing my fluency in Tagalog.
41. And yes my friends---- you either love me or hate me. Regardless, we are just specks in this big wide world. Let's be happy, shall we?
Get Back to Blogging Ma!

Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!
Eclipse 2017, not about the Eclipse
Anyway, Pherry is going back to school soon and he will be a sophomore! Unbelievable. He picked up Fencing in college. Pherry started basketball, he didn't like it, partially coz of Chris. Chris is a little too pushy and hardcore when it comes to sports. Then he did chess, that he liked but he never really got to it. He also did table tennis, which he plays once in a while. Did you know he plays the ukelele?
KC and I are busy prepping for her debutante's ball. Actually, she is upstairs creating an iMovie for her "save the date". KC will be very busy this school year as she was elected Class President of the Juniors. I am so excited for her. She did all her campaigning on her own, not a single help from us---she made her own speech and all that. So proud of this young lady.
Josh? My baby Josh is going to be a freshman this Fall. How did this ever happen? How? In fact, he just finished his 3-day intro to ROTC. In connection to that, he will not be going to Quincy Highschool like Pheery and KC. Instead, he is attending North Quincy High. Why, i don't know. i think he just wants to be different from the two.
Mr. Hubbs, aka Chris is doing really good. He is crazy working night shift but it works for him, so i let him be. I prodded him many times over to go back to dayshift. We both go at the shooting range once in a while but we have not been, as we got so busy with family.
Me? I changed jobs. In fact, I'd be celebrating my one year anniversary this week at this new job. It's doing well---albeit a few hiccups, as any other job is. The good thing is, I REALLY LOVE WHAT I DO, so any shitty stuff, I can take. The great thing is --- my co-supervisors are awesome! My bag collection? I have not purchased any major stuff for 2 years now --- until we went to Montreal this month. I bough a crocodile!!!!! I now have a rabbit, a snake and a crocodile in my closet.
What else can I tell you? The restaurant scene in my city is booming. We have been busy exploring but it gets to be expensive. Oh, wait. I went to do a mystery shopping kind of thing and I got paid a whopping----$12.00. Hahahhaha. Hey, its lunch money.
I miss my friends. I visited family this month but my friends and I have not been together for weeks now.
I am helping plan a Filipino Food Fest. i'll let you know when that happens.
Now more than ever, I appreciate my parents for sending us to college on their own, without loans or dole outs. I only have Pherry and it has been extremely difficult with us financially. I can only imagine my parents who sent all of us ( 10), at times, three at a time! What makes it even more admirable is that my parents both do not even have education whatsoever. If my dad is to be believed, he said he only reached 6th grade. But he was such a good businessman--- a humane businessman. MAybe, that's where Pherry and Josh got their math wizards? No? My mom was a great orator and for a very long time, a public servant. Yes, not a politician but a public servant. Maybe, that is why KC is good at campaigning? No?
It's been a wonderful summer here in Boston. We spent 2 weeks in Montreal. Oh, I have a lot of memories to share to you about that.
My health is not doing well. I have been gaining weight lately so I am working on making some changes. Today, I activated my activity and sleep tracker. I synced it with my iPhone and set 8 hours sleep monitoring and 10,000 steps. Hopefully I can really be on top of this. Please let me know on your comments below, how you keep healthy.
We bought PCs for KC and one for Chris and me to use. Hoepfully that will help with my blogging. LOL.
I think that is all for now. Keep smiling and let your loved ones know you love them. Be affectionate.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Tagalog Time
KC suddenly wants to learn Tagalog.
She's using YouTube, songs, and bothering me. 😜
Heres some of our convos.
What's up with your repetitive words? Like? Ala-ala. Haka-haka. What am I to say?
and what's your fascination with Aaaaaa? What do you mean? Aanhin, aakayin, inaasam? How do you say that? I can't explain except to say with province every syllable as is. She doesn't get it so I had to think fast. So I said, you know sweetheart, when you say Aaron ( EhRuhn), we say AhAhRon. Wow!
Here's the kicker.
What about that siya siya? You tell me it's you or can be a collective you. Right? I said yes. But why do you say siya siya when you leave and when Tita Girlie says goodbye? All along I though siya siya means goodbye.
Oh Lord.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Tagalog Time
What about that siya siya? You tell me it's you or can be a collective you. Right? I said yes. But why do you say siya siya when you leave and when Tita Girlie says goodbye? All along I though siya siya means goodbye.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Date with Josh
I try my very best to go out with the kids individually. We bond together but my advice to parents is to find time to be alone with each kid--it makes them feel special and you can tailor your conversation. Same goes with your spouse, even with your growing family, find time to have time away from " parenting."
anyway, as I shave been extremely busy at work, I texted Josh today that if I can clone home in time, would he like sushi with me and he said yes.
We went to Taiyou, our favorite Japanese restaurant. We talked about everything and I miss this. I don't really know the last time I did go out with him alone. It's been that long and I feel so good. My heart was full just looking at him across from the table and I can tell he liked being alone with me where we can just take about everything that only me and him can understand. Don't get me wrong, it's really fun being around the three of them- it's a riot but I sincerely think that bonding with them indiviafually brings a different tune.
Now, look at this cutie pie!
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Story Time
I'm sure I must've told you about a " peculiar" habit of Josh. Ever since he can walk, he likes to hide in tiny spaces, well hidden from anyone. First incident, he was hiding I was going crazy looking for him. He was probably about 2.5 or 3 years old. Where was he? He was inside my tiny wall-in closet- asleep! One day, I found him asleep under our bed too.
I worked evening shift for a long time. One night on Thanksgiving dinner, my husband finally called me to tell me he was missing and that they couldn't find him. I asked him if they called police yet and I was super panicked I screamed at him why he was calling me and not the police. Where was Josh?
Right here:😭
Another family gathering, he was found asleep under the dining table.
How about you? Do you have childhood funny stories or habits?
Also, did I tell you that the sweetest son a mother can have is someone like Josh. I wish I can take back the time he was young. Now, he is still sweet but he has a lot of friends as he should and I am not his world anymore. 😘
Have a a great Sunday.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Ma Get Back to Blogging
So I know I have not blogged for a very long time. I think I should be kicked out of the blogosphere. 😜

Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling!