Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Questions I Ask That No One Can Answer

First off, why is it hard to have manners in social media?

How is it October already? 

What happened to 2019?

Is anyone productive this year?

Who can tell me why in 2019 is it still taboo to ask for salary expectations?

Where is my sanity? If you find it please return to sender. 😜

But most of all, why is Joshua working-age already?

Why? How? Seriously?

Anyway, if you have answers, please don’t hesitate to respond. I already told KC to take photos of Josh as tonight is his first day of work—- ever!

 So here’s what she took! 

While driving home, I hear a text message alert and KC said, that just me sending you the pic. Right before turning off the car, I hear another alert. 

Here’s that text message. Oh my Lord, he knows me too well. He knows I’d secretly ( not) take photos so he graciously took one for my files. 😂😂😂

So yeah, anyone have questions for me. Please shoot me those questions coz this Mama ain’t got no answers. 😭😭😭 My kids are growing way too fast for me and the only defense I have to create a facade of “ I’m not hurting” attitude is to pretend I don’t miss them. But I do! Why must I pretend to be the strong person at all times? 

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