Live .Dream. Achieve.
Achieve. Live. Dream.
Dream. Live. Achieve.
Live your dreams. Achieve all your dreams. No matter what we, rather, I do, it seems to be a pathetic quest. Quest. Human satisfaction, as proven all the time, is something that is unconquerable as the human spirit. Defeating the purpose of satisfaction is dreaming. I am not going to argue... I am stating my observation. By the way this is not about me. Well, it is always about me.
Somehow in this lifetime ( sounds passe) , we clamor so much, for the fame, the glory and the recognition we seem to think we deserve. Aside from these, of course there is the " tangible" proof of this " strong want". There is the big SUV, the glimmering 2 seater BMW, the "it" Louis Vuitton bag, the latest Manolos, (for the sake of Jimmy Choo's millions of fans oh yes ), the always glamorous Lancome, the ever classy Mikimoto pearls, not to be outdone, there is the Bulgari look-at-me jewelry. Wait, there is a new one that will make you belong, rather, acceptable to the creme-de- la -creme . Women and men alike are into "self improvements"... like the reality shows. There is the teeth whitening ( so much so that you lose the enamel, one MD said), the diamond peel for more even out skin tone, the liposuction, the tummy tuck, the bleaching or in this side of the world, the tanning, there is even the hair rebonding, the old world threading for more shapely eyebrows, and the most that kills me is the eyelash perm... what? Oh, no on second thought, I think what is abominable (abhor?) is the " make-up tattoo". Say, what? Altogether now. Besides these, there is also the rise in club and sports membership. Now you have to pay to be fit. Pathetic! Fitness club, golf membership, tennis clinics, basketball tournaments and the likes. Not only that, you have to be with the popular group otherwise you do not count. With the Lacoste logo hanging on every boat owner, it seems an indelible mark of Wall Street. Travels. Been to Bermuda? Seen the pink sand beaches of Mauritius? How about the palaces in Germany? Gone to a safari in Senegal? Seen the natives of Down Under? Somewhat ingrained into the consciousness of everyone is that we separate ourselves to the have-nots to the places we have the honor to travel to. " You may have the money honey, but if you are not well traveled, you are not cultured." I overheard someone say at the airport. So now, it is rather dismal to be " just rich", you have to be educated and cultured. Calling all citizens of the world. Whatever happened to me? Must have missed all the fun there! There is another one that I think have been here since time in memoriam. There is the "letters after your name thing", PhD, MD, MS, ASCP ( I told you it is about me) and the rest. Where I come from, people get insulted if you do not call them by their achieved profession, so much so that it is part of their " full name". Engr. Ronald So, Atty. Domingo Malang and Father Norberto Nakpil SVD. It is such a blatant and arrogant display of power. It is equivalent to having money. Worst is the rich kid growing up inheriting the CEO title, or being the company president lucky enough be married to the nouveau rich. Somehow when I was in school ( yes, I did go to a university) there is the prevalent feeling , " if you can't be a doctor, marry one." I did not become one, I did not marry one. Life sucks. What about being a celebrity? It is not enough just to play the major role, now they have to be executive producers so that they will earn more on the gains of the movie. Did you ever wonder why there has been a rampant practice of product displays on TV shows and movies? What was that car being driven at the latest installment of MI3 again? Can't get enough, can they? It is the perfect interplay of the rich and famous. God forbids when power interplays with fame. Can you imagine Jenna Bush marrying ultimate cutie Jake Gyllenhaal? I can only imagine.
I have been avoiding to include the clamor for religion because it is a topic I would rather not pursue, but one thing that someone reminded me, if I am to write about this topic is the strong clamor for religion, the quest for our thirst for the question that has evaded most of humankind. "Who are we in this world?", I refuse to delve in this topic, nevertheless it is part of this, so bear with me. Remember the Dalai Lama? When he came over to the US, all celebrities and world leaders wanted to be photographed with him. Well, there is also the couch-jumping Scientologist Tom Cruise. Self- help books and personal development books line the bookstores. Right now, there is the controversial The Da Vinci Code ( i have the book, have not watched the movie ... yet). So there, enough with religion, or as someone told me, enough with the hypocritical values we present to conform with society. We seem to think of our beliefs as staying powers, hard to admit but we use this to rather expand our clout. We easily get swayed to the powers that be. So there, let it be.
Believe me, I do have soaring dreams. My heart clamors for all that each and everyone , in their deepest thoughts savor. I have dreams for myself,for my family,friends and the world. Dreams are beautiful thoughts for as long as it does not enslave us, does not make us bitter, jealous, and angry. For me, dreams make up the capsule of my being, that envelopes my wishes not only for me but my love ones. Someday, I may share the beauty of my dreams, only if you let me.
Somehow deep inside me, I know I can't be true to myself if I do not go after these dreams, in the chambers of my heart, these dreams do not belong, they belong to the world, for all to see and cherish, maybe even share. No matter how little they can go, I know my dreams will lift my life and my spirit. Hopefully it will touch yours.
Soar high, achieve your most evasive dreams and live the life that fulfills the greatest void in your life. Love.
I rest my case. As I have said, this is about me. Not meant to make anyone disagree.
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