Thursday, October 29, 2009
My baby Josh is growing!
Joshua surprised me this morning! He jumped into the bed and gladly announced that his tooth is "wiggling". " Mom, see my teeth is loose now!" I was so happy because he always asks how come his teeth are not loose yet when he is already in first grade. So, I guess that makes him a boy.... not my baby anymore! Hope they stop growing. these babies of mine. hehehe!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Josh is a skyscraper
Since the school prohibits costumes on Halloween, the teachers become creative as to what the kids could do nearing the Halloween. For Josh' class, she decided to make their spelling words interpreted as attires appropriate for their age. The note that came home asks the parents to spend little or no money to prepare. The important thing is that the kids will enjoy and know the meaning of the words as they will be parading around the school and other kids will ask who they are and what does it mean. They had a list of words but Josh picked SKYSCRAPER. I asked him why and he said because he wanted to be different. He said, am sure no one would want to be a skyscraper. Talk about individuality.... my son is too young! Hahhhah.
As with everything, we are all involved. Problem... how to interpret skyscraper? This is what we did.
Hubby doing what he does best! Drawing and anything that has to do with it.
We stayed up late ( 1 AM) to finish it. He said he can not finish it because I did not tell him the concept. What concept? He is 1st grade! But, I guess that's how engineers work. You got to have a plan and a concept to execute your idea. Maybe that is why I am a medical technologist, I just work!
This is the skyscraper. More work needed.
All I needed to do was create a shadow effect, so it looks like it is seen from the bottom, like you were standing at the base of the building. By the way, we used cardboard-cum-styrofoam in sky blue so that it will have a sky backdrop! After all the conceptualizing, here is what we got.
Kuya showing Josh how to put it on when in school.
As I said, everything we do is a family affair. While Kuya was helping Josh, KC is actually trying to check if she can make a hat that will look like an antenna on top of the building. We needed to remind her that no hats are allowed in school, not even costumes. Silly, I know but after all those crazy school shootings, I err on the side of safety.
This is the front of the building.
Hubby made a 3 building structure, the middle being the tallest. Notice the right building, it has steam belching out! Our own version of cityscape view. I did not do a good job taking picture of the details. The left building has the antenna, few clouds hovering the main building and Hubby made a helicopter! I wish I did a better job with the pictures.
Here is the back of the building, in 3D. Clear blue sky! Hehheh!
Over all, I think we did great. The only thing is, I was not allowed to go to school. It would have been fun to see the other kids interpreting words such as fatigue, courage and discipline. Wheeew! Good thing, he is SKYSCRAPER! Bottom line, I guess it is more fun to make your own costume, cheaper and more family bonding! So, go ahead conceptualize your Halloween costume and create the best one!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Sunday night concert
While looking for another spot for leaves peaking and some more photoshoot, Hubby got a call from one of our "children",( we have 5, by the way. Iris, Ann, Errah, Venice and Dominic). Free tickets for David Foster's The Hitman concert! It features, Debra Cox, Reuben Studdard of American Idol, a few of his other up and coming stars. Of course, there's Philippines' very own, Charice. She is this phenomenal girl, with a beautiful and powerful voice. She has been featured in shows such as Ellen, Oprah an Good Morning America, to name a few. She just released a single " Note To God", which I heard was a top iTunes download for a time. Here's her performance at Oprah.
Here she is, performing at Boston University's Agannis Arena!
Look at these concert goers! They were very impressed! They were going gaga!
Goosebumps moment!
I knew she had a beautiful voice, I've seen her performances on American TV and TFC ( the Filipino channel), but I will tell you this... nothing I have ever imagined to describe her voice and the performance level she has would have done justice to this moment! She is phenomenal! I was truly impressed. I am so proud to have followed her way before Oprah! I was so happy to be there on that very moment, as a Filipino!
Ok now, I would be lying if I said i only went for Charice. It was a big bonus that Peter Cetera was there! THE Peter Cetera, was performing on the same stage as Charice and David Foster, with free tickets. This is gratitude overload!
I have loved him since Chicago!
With hits such as You're The Reason, Hard to Say I'm Sorry, Glory of Love and After All, I grew up loving his mellow music. He has aged but not the voice. Smooth and suave! When there was a quite interlude in his performance, I could not stop myself from shouting " I love you Peter"! Oh, I am back to the '80s! No, wait! I am stuck on the 80's.
Thank you to my friends... Kuya Jerome, Ate Fridah and Ate Venice for putting up with my old love! Till next concert! Busy Sunday indeed! I love you Boston!
Apple picking in New Hampshire
Last Sunday, I had a blast! Aside from the regular relaxation attributed to weekends, we had plans for fall foliage and apple picking with friends. I always look forward to fall foliage. I love fall. Ok, let me rephrase that, i love fall but summer is still my favorite. We went up to New Hampshire's Apple Hill Farm. Not as impressive as Belkin Lookout Farm in Natick MA, but beautiful nonetheless. What makes any outing fun is the company, I believe... naks! So, in that category, it was a blast. First, apple picking, which is more like apple tasting and picture taking. Everyone had their cameras. I had to make sure I look great in every angle... not that I look great. I don't. Period. You know me.. I edit my pictures before it goes online...heheheh! This time of year, it is a little late for the season but there were still a lot, they said that this year is the best crop in 23 years but the rains on the weekend has stopped apple pickers, so apples were a plenty!
My kids at Apple Hill Farm Concord NH
These are sweet!
Here, husband thought it was nice to be inching up on the branches!
KC's signature pose!
Behind her is a pretty pond, very picturesque! I took a few shots for my keepsake. So serene, very clear skies and clear blue water.
There are 2 lift like structures that the kids and my not so young friends enjoyed!
Just to show you how much apple left for picking. This tree is unbelievably loaded!
Up close. It seems that every inch is fruit bearing. It is also very tasty. I forgot what it's called. Maybe one of m very few readers can identify these apples. It is a delight to see, especially for someone who grew up in the Philippines. Poor as we are, we only get to have apples during the holiday season!
The whole thing is a photographer's dream. Everyone is smiling, the scenery is lush with tinges of yellow and orange leaves, the sky is as blue as you can imagine, add that with a crisp Fall weather.. Perfect!
Here's me with my ever smiling friends. I remember sayinng we should not be looking at the camera, what happened? We are too self conscious, that's what!
Focus on the background. Isn't it lovely?
The 2 previous pictures are just to show you how the pond can be the most beautiful backdrop for your Fall shoots! It was just delightful. It helped that the sky was clear.
To complete the farm look, ( by the way, this is a fully functioning farm, year round), there are tractors and this farmhouse. Going up the hill, to the orchard, this farmhouse is what you see. Very country.
We took a hayride from the farm store up to the hill. I don't have a picture of that moment, but it was a hayride minus the hay. I am thinking, maybe they have all those real hayrides for the kids. Speaking of the farm store, a pound of apples is only $1.25! It offers free tasting of their home baked muffins and breads, plus the warm and fresh apple cider. It sure does taste good and warms the heart. Imagine this and a not too chilly sunny day... ahhhh, Fall! Only in New England.
These girls are amazing. Fun!
Before you get picture overload, I leave you with this family picture!
Smile everyone.. the world is only as beautiful as how you look at it! Here are videos of us!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Today's joy
It is always awesome to hear some good news, but nothing beats news from my children. As everyone knows, Christopher won the citywide essay competition in 2 consecutive years.
Chris and Quincy mayor ( Phelan in 2007)
He was 3rd place in the 3-4th graders' category. I was so happy. Well, more than happy. The following year, he won 2nd place in the 5-6th graders category. He was not very happy about it, but we were. This year, I was not expecting him to be in the race again because he is so busy. He is in the AP ( advance placement class) 6th grade, in a new school. A couple of days ago, he told me that his essay was chosen by his homeroom teacher as a contender for the 6th grade in his school. The principal has yet to decide which among the 6th to 8th graders' essay will be sent as official entry by the school to the City School Committee, who picks out the winner among all the city schools. No big deal for him. Big deal for me... I am a sucker for awards, remember?
Today, my daughter's teacher approched to congratulate me on KC's essay. See, my daughter worked hard for it. She is so pressured, knowing that Big Bro won it 2 times. Hubby and I always tell her, she can do it, maybe even outdo him. She would not listen, of course. But, on the weekend, she asked me if I could read what she wrote. I was impressed. I tried to "edit" the missspells and repetitive words and wrong fragmenting... but later, I realized, she is in 3rd grade!! They are probably more concerned on the content than composition! So, I let it go!
I am very, very happy today. Being shortlisted for the competition is good enough for me. I will update maybe 2 weeks from now. I promise, no matter what the outcome is. I am praying for KC's entry more though! She needs the boost, middle child syndrome, you know!
Posted by
Bernadette Llaga
8:24 PM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Blog migration
I have created so many blogs over the years that my files are so scattered. Now, I decided to put them all here in one spot. Some of the posts are so old, I guess it would not make sense anymore. I linked the original posts so at least you know how long they have been lurking. So, by this I promise ( to myself), I will write more often, update regularly and visit more. Sorry if the timeline is so whacked.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Update in my life (April 2006)
I am "happy" as in happy.
Don't ask why.
I am just happy.
I am hoping that it will stay like this forever but I know that it won't. guess what though, at least i am deciding on my own. Now i can truly say that i am truly in control. As long as I am not stepping in someone else's toes, i will not break. i am willing to compromise so I won't break. i am definitely in tune with my life. I have the kids, gym ( hehe), stable career (?), tons of wonderful friends. Speaking of friends, finally I have come to the point in my life where I have enough good friends here in the States that I can say, I am back to my old self. Funny, cheerful and full of energy.
It has been a very long journey and a very painful episode in my life, but hey, here I am again. Welcome the new ME!!!
This is the original post.
Don't ask why.
I am just happy.
I am hoping that it will stay like this forever but I know that it won't. guess what though, at least i am deciding on my own. Now i can truly say that i am truly in control. As long as I am not stepping in someone else's toes, i will not break. i am willing to compromise so I won't break. i am definitely in tune with my life. I have the kids, gym ( hehe), stable career (?), tons of wonderful friends. Speaking of friends, finally I have come to the point in my life where I have enough good friends here in the States that I can say, I am back to my old self. Funny, cheerful and full of energy.
It has been a very long journey and a very painful episode in my life, but hey, here I am again. Welcome the new ME!!!
This is the original post.
Exam (May 28th 2006)
Busy preparing for THE EXAM… (American Sociey of Clinical (psycho hehhe) Pathologist certification for Hematology….) not that I am mortified but it is more like … I- am so-not-into-this-right-now-so-God-bless-me period of my life.
I am so not into it… why not Chemistry? Dunno. Duh! Who wants to study anemias and leukemias right now? HUHUHU.
‘Nways, this is life. East Coast summertime is PRECIOUS and here I am buried in books… literally… because I have a lot of materials but am too lazy to read.. or touch up of whatever-is-inyour-brain-right-now-should-be-fine data.
So… summer and here Iam … basically WASTED!
Clubhouse pool opened, great summer fashion (show some skin… and fat), people on the street with good attitudes (you know winter makes people grumpy here in Boston heheh), summer vacations… No planning because of the MONSTER!!!
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One Liner ( MArch 30 2006)
"Although we can not have all we love, we can still love what we have."
True… truly… convince me more! Hehhhe.
This is the original post.
Life worthwhile
"The purpose of life is not just to live it, but to have something worthwhile to live for."
I have been struggling to fight the urge of commenting to this one liner but, hey here I am. I do not apologize for the melodrama and the angst of my writing to day. Nor, do I need to explain any further what my mediocre expression in writing can surmise to expand.
We always hear
" purpose of life"
" purpose of life"
What is it though? There are countless materials we can dig into to nourish our thirsty " dry -tap" brains. In fact if you google ( yes, I use google) " purpose of life" you come up with thousands of pages and websites.. from scientifc to religious to pathetically sadistic attack on the supposed purpose of "it".
... to be continued... kinda too early to be thinking this road hehhe!
Why? Love?
Why me? Why them? Why ?
Why not?
I have this one liner… my own one. " Follow the dictates of your heart, somehow the mind will accomodate what the heart desires." Isn’ it true? Loving does not need to be an intelligent choice, all it has to be is a genuine recognition of yourself and the other person. You do not have to think so many preconceived
notions dictated by society, nor should it be a powerplay of what you want and what makes you happy.
What makes you happy is not necessarily the popular thing for others. Will the void be filled when you follow the norm?
I am not antagonistic with society’s view, do not get me wrong. It is just that most of the time, it is unthinkable! Give you a few thoughts to support my view. People want you to love the ….. BRB…
I guess I have to finish this... it has been so long ago, that I forgot what I was leading to... so let's just forget about it.
this is the original post.
Fil Pride
"Manny Pacquiao dominates Larios infront of countrymen", thus says the Associated Press. Illustrated Sports puts it this way... " Unbeatable Pacman wins infront of whole nation."
I am a Filipino and proud of it. There is no way, I would hide I am a Flip ( ooopss).
Be it the Smokey Mountain, the corrupt government officials, the dirty sidewalks, the againts-the-wall-urinating ( hahha), the polluted Pasig River, the spaghetti electric wires, the inhabited overpass, the noisy balikbayan box trotting OFW, the taxi swindler, the computer tech. infecting the whole world with that " viscious virus", crippling even the White House, truly,there may be more " offending" things that will reverbirate across to put Filipinos down, but there is nothing that can put my head down nor make me embarassed to declare to the world that I am a Filipino.
I will not go back to history anymore to prove my point. Currently, there are are so many things that make me proud. To name a sports, Manny Pacquiao, Monique Lhullier in fashion, so much more out there who are trying wholeheartedly to bring the very best of the Filipinos to the world.
To be continued.... break time over... soryy I only do my blog on my work break... very Filipino.
This is the original post.
I am a Filipino and proud of it. There is no way, I would hide I am a Flip ( ooopss).
Be it the Smokey Mountain, the corrupt government officials, the dirty sidewalks, the againts-the-wall-urinating ( hahha), the polluted Pasig River, the spaghetti electric wires, the inhabited overpass, the noisy balikbayan box trotting OFW, the taxi swindler, the computer tech. infecting the whole world with that " viscious virus", crippling even the White House, truly,there may be more " offending" things that will reverbirate across to put Filipinos down, but there is nothing that can put my head down nor make me embarassed to declare to the world that I am a Filipino.
I will not go back to history anymore to prove my point. Currently, there are are so many things that make me proud. To name a sports, Manny Pacquiao, Monique Lhullier in fashion, so much more out there who are trying wholeheartedly to bring the very best of the Filipinos to the world.
To be continued.... break time over... soryy I only do my blog on my work break... very Filipino.
This is the original post.
Portrait 07
There would never be a moment in my life where I am not at my proudest talking about my kids. They are my greatest possession, or as KC would say, " treasure". They had a portrait session week before easter Sunday, boy were they beautiful. I am a totally fulfilled human being when it comes to my motherly status. I may not be the best, but to my kids, I am the most beautiful, to me they are my everything, the reason for my existence.
I was watching a TV show where an officer wanted to put to jail a son who was abusing the mother. The mother was covering for her son, that is why they can not prosecute him. The officer made a way for the son to be put away to jail for different reasons other than the abuse because they can not prove the abuse without the mother's collaboration. Long story short, the mother confronted the officer, the officer said that now, she can live her life, without fear, without abuse and most of all, away from her son who abuses her. The mother replied, " what life?"
For me, life without my kids is unthinkable. I have yet to think of it.
This is the original post.
I was watching a TV show where an officer wanted to put to jail a son who was abusing the mother. The mother was covering for her son, that is why they can not prosecute him. The officer made a way for the son to be put away to jail for different reasons other than the abuse because they can not prove the abuse without the mother's collaboration. Long story short, the mother confronted the officer, the officer said that now, she can live her life, without fear, without abuse and most of all, away from her son who abuses her. The mother replied, " what life?"
This is the original post.
I have not blogged for a very long time. I have no excuse for that. Not that I was planning to make up an excuse. I guess my last entry was my sister's 50th birthday celebration. I have written a lot of materials ( for my personal enjoyment) and have joined public speaking contests but it is funny to say that it still felt surreal. Once again I had this adrenaline rush that is wanting to let go, like a thunderous, dark night that could not wait for the glorious morning. I had so many ideas, topics and a convolution of all things beautiful. I did not know what to say. I felt all I say is nothing compared to the exceptional life my sister leads.
So, for a very long time, I did not want to write, not even when I am aching to do so. I do not consider myself a prolific writer, needless to say, I am far from that. There is just something in me that loves to express what is within the anals of my overly crowded, chaotic brain. Sometimes, I start with something and end up with seemingly unrelated topic. It frustrates me enough that I would scrap the whole written material. I have written a dark, open missive to everyone, something that I personally believe is written very well, but I can not share it to you now because it would not make sense. After all it was meant to be known when all have seen and understood me. Suffice to say, that will not be in the near future.
Milestones seem to make you melodramatic, if not overly sensitive altogether. Most of us have been through a lot of milestones. I know my 13th birthday will forever be the standard of my milestones. No, I did not celebrate my teenage with a big celebration, nor it started a different way of life. It's just that I have looked forward to it much of my childhood, that I believe I lost my childhood looking forward to teen life. Sweet sixteen was not much of a big deal for me, not even the 18th birthday which is more of the bigger day for ladies in the Philippines. I am the champion of "why-should-I-spend-so-much-when-so-many-are-starving", so I had to live my life in its simplest form. To many, especially parents, graduation is a milestone. It seems that graduation from college to some extent does not only mean that... a degree. There is so much more to it. Pride, honor and social achievement. In fact, it is a fulfillment, not only to the graduating individual but to the family as a whole, or it can also be a realization of a dream not achieved in the past. Weddings, weddings, weddings.... it is a social event, a ceremonial toast, but most of all, it is a milestone. It calls for the grandest dress, the most beautiful flowers, and the most important guests. It seems the higher the position of the guests in politics and society, the more the wedding is talked about in the social radar!
But, let me not dwell so much into milestones of the so called norm. For if I have to discuss everything in this facet, it will include a whole new meaning to my intended writing. It will include promotions, travels, divorce and all that we can imagine, on our personal experiences and whatever we consider milestones in our real world, in fact, I consider my first travel to Manila as milestone... Tagalog ba naman ang salita? Milestone talaga!
I am 32 now, I have so much more to experience, I know. At the same time, I have owned so much years in this life that I can proudly say I have wisened enough to claim some authority in my life. Let me share to you what has become my milestones, everyday milestones if we can categorize it as such. My children will tell you what my milestones are. In fact Christopher, my eldest says he " should" be my favorite for the sole reason that he is my first child, therefore, HE MADE ME A MOM. That is a milestone! What could be greater a milestone than the experience of motherhood. Let me not sugarcoat childbirth. It is a magical experience, we often hear. We have read so many materials regarding the beauty of childbirth, the life changing twist of it. Lest, we forget it is also a total sacrifice and awfully painful experience. Yet, I agree, it is a beautiful, indescribable feeling. It is a euphoria of all emotions, a simulation of life and death. So, yes! Milestone number one... MOTHERHOOD. I can not, even with the thesaurus beside me, extract enough words and meaningful emotion to actually write to do justice to this great word, MOTHER. I remember a worldwide survey, regarding the most beautiful English word. The run away winner of course, MOTHER. What a sweet word, beautiful indeed!
In between motherhood and my 32nd birthday there are many milestones. First day of school was great for my kids. I took so many pictures, all pictures combined for preschoolers. So, it has been a roller coaster ride. Flying to the United States will always be a milestone. One of the most difficult decision in my life. You see, a lot of folks would prefer to come to the US, not me. No, no. Do not get me wrong. I do want to see the US, but I never really imagined myself living abroad. As I have mentioned, I prefer a simple life. Friends and family around me, that makes me complete. Traveling is a priority in my to do list. I have never imagined to be away. In fact, the reason I did my internship at the Fort Boniface Hospital is because I want to be commissioned in the Army. But, family and love prevailed. My husband is in the US, so my family should be. So, my friends, I have to decide not only for my future but my children. It has been a good life over all. Life is what we make it. It was difficult the first few years. In fact, the mere meeting of friends have elicited a "milestone" feeling in me.
Recently though, there have been little milestones in my life. KC turned 7, I decided this is a very important part of her life. I organized a big party for her. I invited all her classmates in kindergarten and first grade, all my personal friends who have been instrumental with my family. I bought a beautiful dress fit for a princess, a pair of shoes more expensive than mine, a shawl, a crown and everything a girl wants. It was a successful event. Almost everyone showed up, well, at least the people that mattered. Then, school started September. A month or so into the new school year, I have experienced another milestone. Christopher, my eldest, received an academic scholarship to join the Saturday classes at Milton Academy. In their website, it states that the scholarship is awarded to gifted children who otherwise would not be able to afford the Milton Academy matriculation. Of all the fourth graders in Lincoln - Hancock Community School, he was chosen. You see, this is a community outreach program of the elite boarding school. Our city, Quincy is alloted for 4-6th grades. So, the whole of Quincy my son is one of the few chosen by the school committee to harness his innate talent. Although each town is alloted a number of spots, teachers do not necessarily recommend just anyone to fill the spot. A student has to demonstrate academic excellence and curiosity and the willingness to learn more. Courses include architecture, spy and photography. They try to cover all interests that would otherwise be ignored either because of lack of teachers, time or finance. In fact, Ms. Hunter approached me and told me she wanted to tell me the news herself, that she thinks Christopher deserves to be that student for the year. With this opportunity, he has secured a spot till the 6th grade. This milestone would be hard to follow, my husband Chris, even shed tears after the news.
But, lo and behold! Last week, I went to pick up Carmina from school early because she was throwing up.... oh yes, did I tell you staying in the lobby of the Philippine Heart Center for 2 nights and 3 days is a milestone? Yes, tending to sick children is! There was a dengue epidemic at that time when Christopher had a bad case of pneumonia, boy he was not even 2 months! There was no room available, I believed my pediatrician so much, I did not want to be in anybody else's care, so I have to bear the pain of staying in the lobby. I am glad, nothing catastrophic like that happened again. back to KC throwing up, while I was at the school's office, Kc's teacher congratulated me. I was surprised, but I just kept my wondering to myself. Exiting from the school, Miss Royal, Christopher's 3rd grade teacher congratulated me... again? So I finally asked? " Well, the school just announced that Chris is one of the students whose essay was picked to be considered for the essay writing competition citywide." We just have to wait, if he could be one of the top three, because out of all the entries from all students, 10 are chosen from each category, then they will pick the top 3 from that. I was already proud, just for that.
Three weeks later, we heard the good news! Although not the first place, Chris was 3rd place in his category. 5th graders beat him to it. Well, not bad. In fact I was totally floored. This time, I was able to see his winning essay. You see, they wrote the essay by themselves in school, so there was really no outside help. The topic? The Importance of Quality Education. Everything else in the essay was awesome, But I love the last sentence, " Quality education is important because you see if all kids have quality education it will greatly improve all our lives and the whole country." What a great citizen.
As apparent ( would blatant do? ) as it is, my life is totally different now. Maybe not. Maybe just what highlights my day is different. If going to the Sangria-La Mall was a highlight before, going to PTA meetings do now. If going to Luz facial Care to do rituals of beauty was the day's top on the to do list, now it is making sure that my kids doctor appointments won't clash with dance lessons or any other activity. I literally was very much focused on myself. I am provided with all that I need. I did not have to buy my Guess shoes, my sisters did. I did not have to envy people waddling in the famed hotels of Manila, my sister Joy made sure I was socially visible. I did not have to vie (buy, would do to other people) for attention, my Ta tang was proud enough for me. So I guess, my life is different, my children made it that way. They made it more satisfying and worth living.
I never imagined that a little Boy's essay would make me cry. I am a very critical person when it comes to writing, be it the sentence composition or the grammar. Be wary of wrong spellings, I hate it! Yet, I cried when I saw his essay. Sprinkled with grammatical errors, I ignored it. I was focused with the content. Yes, I am humbled. Sometimes, we do not have to be so greatly critical of little things such as where to place the comma, but should look at the entire content or if we are referring to friends, to look at the whole person and not focus with the little imperfections, in fact it's what make it totally beautiful.
My life is full of surprises, sometimes, too much to bear. Pressures of work, joys of A ( A minus is unacceptable), crazy schedules, dizzying double shifts, piled up bills, shopping galores and endless karaoke parties. Life is full of ironies. Just when you feel down, a smiling Joshua comes. Just wen you think you have reached the glass ceiling, you go higher than the stratus clouds up in the bright blue sky! My life is a beautiful, not perfect but fulfilling. I have a long way to go. But as long as I keep my "milestones" to what matters in life, then it will simplify my world. Why do I need more anyway? I do not need expensive chinas, 60 inch HDTV, a month long vacation to Europe, nor do I need a visit to Dr. Belo! I am contented with what I have. Occasionally, we hear sighs, but that is life. We are exposed to the material world and there is nothing wrong with all that I mentioned. If it is what makes someone happy, then go for it. Someday, I will soon shift focus. Isn't that life? A cycle of carefree living to responsibility. We have to have it all.
My milestones may not be your idea of milestones. But, sharing an ice cream cone the beginning of Spring with KC is a milestone, spending an hour at the Barnes and Noble with Christopher without buying anything is one, watching the Animal Planet with Josh munching granola is definitely one too! These are my milestones now. I do not have to wait for a life changing event to label it a milestone, or a special person worth putting out expensive china for, or the Leaning Tower of Pisa as a background for my pictures, I take pictures all the time. My favorite is Chris and KC holding hands while walking! What a shot!
For everyone, life's greatness need not be the next milestones. Life's essentials are! Make life as milestone itself. What could be more remarkable than life?
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Since then, he has won another competition, and tested for IQ.. let me not start with that!
So, for a very long time, I did not want to write, not even when I am aching to do so. I do not consider myself a prolific writer, needless to say, I am far from that. There is just something in me that loves to express what is within the anals of my overly crowded, chaotic brain. Sometimes, I start with something and end up with seemingly unrelated topic. It frustrates me enough that I would scrap the whole written material. I have written a dark, open missive to everyone, something that I personally believe is written very well, but I can not share it to you now because it would not make sense. After all it was meant to be known when all have seen and understood me. Suffice to say, that will not be in the near future.
Milestones seem to make you melodramatic, if not overly sensitive altogether. Most of us have been through a lot of milestones. I know my 13th birthday will forever be the standard of my milestones. No, I did not celebrate my teenage with a big celebration, nor it started a different way of life. It's just that I have looked forward to it much of my childhood, that I believe I lost my childhood looking forward to teen life. Sweet sixteen was not much of a big deal for me, not even the 18th birthday which is more of the bigger day for ladies in the Philippines. I am the champion of "why-should-I-spend-so-much-when-so-many-are-starving", so I had to live my life in its simplest form. To many, especially parents, graduation is a milestone. It seems that graduation from college to some extent does not only mean that... a degree. There is so much more to it. Pride, honor and social achievement. In fact, it is a fulfillment, not only to the graduating individual but to the family as a whole, or it can also be a realization of a dream not achieved in the past. Weddings, weddings, weddings.... it is a social event, a ceremonial toast, but most of all, it is a milestone. It calls for the grandest dress, the most beautiful flowers, and the most important guests. It seems the higher the position of the guests in politics and society, the more the wedding is talked about in the social radar!
But, let me not dwell so much into milestones of the so called norm. For if I have to discuss everything in this facet, it will include a whole new meaning to my intended writing. It will include promotions, travels, divorce and all that we can imagine, on our personal experiences and whatever we consider milestones in our real world, in fact, I consider my first travel to Manila as milestone... Tagalog ba naman ang salita? Milestone talaga!
I am 32 now, I have so much more to experience, I know. At the same time, I have owned so much years in this life that I can proudly say I have wisened enough to claim some authority in my life. Let me share to you what has become my milestones, everyday milestones if we can categorize it as such. My children will tell you what my milestones are. In fact Christopher, my eldest says he " should" be my favorite for the sole reason that he is my first child, therefore, HE MADE ME A MOM. That is a milestone! What could be greater a milestone than the experience of motherhood. Let me not sugarcoat childbirth. It is a magical experience, we often hear. We have read so many materials regarding the beauty of childbirth, the life changing twist of it. Lest, we forget it is also a total sacrifice and awfully painful experience. Yet, I agree, it is a beautiful, indescribable feeling. It is a euphoria of all emotions, a simulation of life and death. So, yes! Milestone number one... MOTHERHOOD. I can not, even with the thesaurus beside me, extract enough words and meaningful emotion to actually write to do justice to this great word, MOTHER. I remember a worldwide survey, regarding the most beautiful English word. The run away winner of course, MOTHER. What a sweet word, beautiful indeed!
In between motherhood and my 32nd birthday there are many milestones. First day of school was great for my kids. I took so many pictures, all pictures combined for preschoolers. So, it has been a roller coaster ride. Flying to the United States will always be a milestone. One of the most difficult decision in my life. You see, a lot of folks would prefer to come to the US, not me. No, no. Do not get me wrong. I do want to see the US, but I never really imagined myself living abroad. As I have mentioned, I prefer a simple life. Friends and family around me, that makes me complete. Traveling is a priority in my to do list. I have never imagined to be away. In fact, the reason I did my internship at the Fort Boniface Hospital is because I want to be commissioned in the Army. But, family and love prevailed. My husband is in the US, so my family should be. So, my friends, I have to decide not only for my future but my children. It has been a good life over all. Life is what we make it. It was difficult the first few years. In fact, the mere meeting of friends have elicited a "milestone" feeling in me.
Recently though, there have been little milestones in my life. KC turned 7, I decided this is a very important part of her life. I organized a big party for her. I invited all her classmates in kindergarten and first grade, all my personal friends who have been instrumental with my family. I bought a beautiful dress fit for a princess, a pair of shoes more expensive than mine, a shawl, a crown and everything a girl wants. It was a successful event. Almost everyone showed up, well, at least the people that mattered. Then, school started September. A month or so into the new school year, I have experienced another milestone. Christopher, my eldest, received an academic scholarship to join the Saturday classes at Milton Academy. In their website, it states that the scholarship is awarded to gifted children who otherwise would not be able to afford the Milton Academy matriculation. Of all the fourth graders in Lincoln - Hancock Community School, he was chosen. You see, this is a community outreach program of the elite boarding school. Our city, Quincy is alloted for 4-6th grades. So, the whole of Quincy my son is one of the few chosen by the school committee to harness his innate talent. Although each town is alloted a number of spots, teachers do not necessarily recommend just anyone to fill the spot. A student has to demonstrate academic excellence and curiosity and the willingness to learn more. Courses include architecture, spy and photography. They try to cover all interests that would otherwise be ignored either because of lack of teachers, time or finance. In fact, Ms. Hunter approached me and told me she wanted to tell me the news herself, that she thinks Christopher deserves to be that student for the year. With this opportunity, he has secured a spot till the 6th grade. This milestone would be hard to follow, my husband Chris, even shed tears after the news.
But, lo and behold! Last week, I went to pick up Carmina from school early because she was throwing up.... oh yes, did I tell you staying in the lobby of the Philippine Heart Center for 2 nights and 3 days is a milestone? Yes, tending to sick children is! There was a dengue epidemic at that time when Christopher had a bad case of pneumonia, boy he was not even 2 months! There was no room available, I believed my pediatrician so much, I did not want to be in anybody else's care, so I have to bear the pain of staying in the lobby. I am glad, nothing catastrophic like that happened again. back to KC throwing up, while I was at the school's office, Kc's teacher congratulated me. I was surprised, but I just kept my wondering to myself. Exiting from the school, Miss Royal, Christopher's 3rd grade teacher congratulated me... again? So I finally asked? " Well, the school just announced that Chris is one of the students whose essay was picked to be considered for the essay writing competition citywide." We just have to wait, if he could be one of the top three, because out of all the entries from all students, 10 are chosen from each category, then they will pick the top 3 from that. I was already proud, just for that.
Three weeks later, we heard the good news! Although not the first place, Chris was 3rd place in his category. 5th graders beat him to it. Well, not bad. In fact I was totally floored. This time, I was able to see his winning essay. You see, they wrote the essay by themselves in school, so there was really no outside help. The topic? The Importance of Quality Education. Everything else in the essay was awesome, But I love the last sentence, " Quality education is important because you see if all kids have quality education it will greatly improve all our lives and the whole country." What a great citizen.
As apparent ( would blatant do? ) as it is, my life is totally different now. Maybe not. Maybe just what highlights my day is different. If going to the Sangria-La Mall was a highlight before, going to PTA meetings do now. If going to Luz facial Care to do rituals of beauty was the day's top on the to do list, now it is making sure that my kids doctor appointments won't clash with dance lessons or any other activity. I literally was very much focused on myself. I am provided with all that I need. I did not have to buy my Guess shoes, my sisters did. I did not have to envy people waddling in the famed hotels of Manila, my sister Joy made sure I was socially visible. I did not have to vie (buy, would do to other people) for attention, my Ta tang was proud enough for me. So I guess, my life is different, my children made it that way. They made it more satisfying and worth living.
I never imagined that a little Boy's essay would make me cry. I am a very critical person when it comes to writing, be it the sentence composition or the grammar. Be wary of wrong spellings, I hate it! Yet, I cried when I saw his essay. Sprinkled with grammatical errors, I ignored it. I was focused with the content. Yes, I am humbled. Sometimes, we do not have to be so greatly critical of little things such as where to place the comma, but should look at the entire content or if we are referring to friends, to look at the whole person and not focus with the little imperfections, in fact it's what make it totally beautiful.
My life is full of surprises, sometimes, too much to bear. Pressures of work, joys of A ( A minus is unacceptable), crazy schedules, dizzying double shifts, piled up bills, shopping galores and endless karaoke parties. Life is full of ironies. Just when you feel down, a smiling Joshua comes. Just wen you think you have reached the glass ceiling, you go higher than the stratus clouds up in the bright blue sky! My life is a beautiful, not perfect but fulfilling. I have a long way to go. But as long as I keep my "milestones" to what matters in life, then it will simplify my world. Why do I need more anyway? I do not need expensive chinas, 60 inch HDTV, a month long vacation to Europe, nor do I need a visit to Dr. Belo! I am contented with what I have. Occasionally, we hear sighs, but that is life. We are exposed to the material world and there is nothing wrong with all that I mentioned. If it is what makes someone happy, then go for it. Someday, I will soon shift focus. Isn't that life? A cycle of carefree living to responsibility. We have to have it all.
My milestones may not be your idea of milestones. But, sharing an ice cream cone the beginning of Spring with KC is a milestone, spending an hour at the Barnes and Noble with Christopher without buying anything is one, watching the Animal Planet with Josh munching granola is definitely one too! These are my milestones now. I do not have to wait for a life changing event to label it a milestone, or a special person worth putting out expensive china for, or the Leaning Tower of Pisa as a background for my pictures, I take pictures all the time. My favorite is Chris and KC holding hands while walking! What a shot!
For everyone, life's greatness need not be the next milestones. Life's essentials are! Make life as milestone itself. What could be more remarkable than life?
This is the original post.
Since then, he has won another competition, and tested for IQ.. let me not start with that!
Once There Was A Snowstorm
dead, in all their wide smiles.
Anyone can check photos on line for details of the craziness of that day, so let me not go into details regarding that. What I want to share is my experience on the road. I was with my kids, I do not know if that is good or not. I just know it felt safe thinking they were with me. It was fun for them in the beginning, they became restless later. But what we have seen and experienced is truly an eye opening experience. There was a lot of love on the road that day, specifically I-93.
People getting off from their cars, offering to clean someone else's because their wipers are not working, or simply offering to pour ice melts on their windshields. There is this guy who offered his "bright" light so the guy in front ( small car) can see far ahead. You see the muscle cars block the way, and with zero visibility because of the snow, there is a lot of danger. One car I guess, was out of gas, a construction man ( I can tell, by his service truck) offered his ammunition of gas in his load.
See the guy, holding an umbrella? He is helping the other car start!
Meanwhile as we inch closer to the Longwood Medical Area, there is a car that was just totally stopped, turns out his battery went kaput! Again, a man offered his car jumper to spark his battery to make the car start again, whoala! You can hear the clanking sound but hey, engine is running! At the Orchard School, two ambulances were stuck, there is this huge FedEx delivery van that completely closed the road, they had to move one patient to the other service, everyone cleared the back road so the ambulance can reach Longwood Medical! How cool is that? One road totally opening up! It was sad seeing a few school bus still on the road, but people were still smiling, i am sure very tired and annoyed, at one point someone blared their Christmas music so the kids on the school bus can sing along! Beat that! I bet there were others that did not witness, and I did a couple of "angel" works too, but that is not for me to write but the next person... beside, my angel saw it. I do not have to write about it. It is already written, in the bookpages of " Bernadette's good deed of the Day".
That is outside. Let me tell you about a beautiful thing that had happened inside the car. We were tuned in to a Christmas Station and they were doing their annual Wish-A-Ton, for sick kids. What it is, people call and pledge money so that the foundation can grant the wishes of kids stricken with cancer. I always try to allocate $300 of our meager family income to charitable causes, it varies,I donate into cultural charities, sometimes for the Philippine's Bantay Bata. I have a soft spot for child advocacy. The lady DJ said ' We know you must be stuck in there, but if you have access to a cellphone, you can join us and be a part of this great thing..." or something to that effect. My kids, almost at the same exact moment said, " Mom, we should do that!" Oh yeah, while navigating the icy trek, they want me to call! Christoper said he would dial the phone and speak with them, that they would love to put their name on the donation. I was so scared of the road that I told them I can not concentrate. They let it go, but again, the station announced that whatever donations we give will be matched by Bank of America... and my son's face lit up. He said that even if we give $10 each ( $50 for the whole family), it will be great because, it will then be $100. With that who can let go of that brewing generosity inside a child? I told them to call and that we are donating. They were able to get on the phone and all this time he gave them details of our " little" donations. I saw his eyes sparkle as he was speaking to them. He was so happy he was helping, at the same time he knows someone will be happy too. Wish granted! Granted for him and me. For that is my wish, for my kids to grow up socially responsible and selfless. Knowing that they are able to share whatever little thing we have is a good start for me.
As they say, you can choose to see things differently. I choose to focus on the beauty of the world, the innate goodness of everyone. I know darkness lurks and is ready to attack anytime but what good will it do to you if you are closing your world because of that fear. There is always something beautiful about a person or situation, let us focus on that!
Wish granted!
This is the original post
7 Steps For Overcoming Ego's Hold On You (7/7/2008)
- Stop being offended.
- Let go of your need to win.
- Let go of your need to be right.
- Let go of your need to be superior.
- Let go of your need to have more.
- Let go of identifying yourself on the basis of your achievements.
- Let go of your reputation.
Waaaa, I have a loooong waaay to go... especially with this:
Let go of the need to want more."
How can I? Tell me, help...join me, encourage me.. be with me!
Can you?
I am challenging you, it is easy...
Yes you. Oh yeah, you. Do not hide. I know you. Deep down, you want to do good, be good.
Let us hurdle this together, yes, I mean you and me, not them, US!
Winky wink!
I'll stick with my own dogma:
"It's ok to live well as long as you do good..." A despicable excuse to bury myself with the indignant consumer driven living organism(s) of the world... yes.. that's you, and them and ME! Oh yes, I did call you that... organism... a microcosm of little minded living thing.
I know I have some maturity to do, but hey, I need my NARS, my Lancome, my Coach, my Lacoste , my facial treatments, my trips and my restaurant binge... high tea anyone? Meet me at The Four Seasons....
Oooops... this is meant to be satirical, only because I do not want to bolster my depression by getting serious with my writing today! So there, be bold, be beautifu! Eyeloveit!
By the way, I promise to write about this "seriously". When I have accomplished the 7 ways... oh dear!
Ate's 50th
I am tasked with a great but daunting job, that is, to give a little speech about my Manang Janette. A mounting task it is, not only because I am talking about a great person but also because she is one multifaceted personality. But what made this truly a mounting task now is the fact that my talk will come after these great speakers who have all given a beautiful and factual account about our birthday celebrant.... here I have to revise my speech to avoid being redundant, and be the least memorable SPEAKER... that I dread. I have been revising this over and over that I can not stop....
So, flashback to hs, my public Speaking Coach once told me, I am better off focusing on one beautiful topic that I can deliver with all my heart than have multiple topics and all half heartedly discussed. So, yes Sir... I was listening.
I am not going to sugarcoat anything in our lives, our family. Our family has been through a lot, yet we stayed afloat, with intact principles. That is very well manifested with Manang Janette, her life and all that she is. With all the trials and tribulations that have come her way, she has emerged victorious, maybe a little bit frazzled, shaken even but always, always victorious.
Somehow in life, when it rains it pours. With Manang Janette though, she sees it as an opportunity to grow and devour in the presence of a higher power when all else fails her. I, for one would have succumbed to the easy way out, not her, she continues to propel herself to a higher level of understanding, grasping along the way what life has to offer. For I don't have the pure and personal relationship she has with her creator, it is easy for her to bow down and say, I surrender, because only in surrendering to our God we can let his powers take over our humanity.
We have a big family, parents were not educated academically speaking), were struggling, nothing and no one else to depend on. Yet, they were so determined to give us a different life in any way they could, even if it meant smelling like salted fish or dried aramang , waking up at wee hours in the morning with 2 hours of sleep, working like horses. What with many children to rear, somehow life was still difficult. The difference I can proudly say is the fact that we have siblings who are responsible , clamouring not for the luxurious life but a life worth living. This I can truly say to all of you, is the pride we have in our family.
Not to water down the hard work our parents did, but great part of our triumphant rise from ignorance, exposure to a world more embracing to all, is because of Manang Janette. She has sacrified a lot for all of us, nevertheless, not without falling and rising and falling again, but all the time with our heads up high, not letting go of the values and principles our parents instilled in us.
Oftentimes misunderstood, sometimes used, or should I say, the opposite, Manang Janette is always a joy to be with. For the good in me, I can not fathom how she can juggle so many things at the same time. A good friend, always there to support, a great worker, a devoted Christian , spotless homemaker, a loving and understanding wife. No words can do justice to describe her as a mother, with all the pains and joys of motherhood. A lot of you may have been touched by her loving embrace and welcoming smile and may have a thing or two to describe her, but I guess for all of you, she probably is the most accommodating all, in time, effort and presence. For what are words when you are not in action, Manang Janette is that, many of you maybe buoyed towards new friends later as we all journey in life, but I dare you, no one will be as “ family” as Manang Janette.
But then again, I can only speak from the heart if I speak as a sister. With her warm embrace and strong grounds, I feel so secure and safe. Many times we agree on a lot of things , sometimes clashing in principles, but never understimating the respect we have for each other. She is one generous sister, never selfish, I don't think she has a jealous bone in her . A supportive sister, that I can be a monument for her being supportive. She will give her opinion but will always be enduring in her support inspite of. Recently, I took a licensure examination for Medical Technology in the US , and did pass, mind you. I was ecstatic, crying, laughing , thanking, reflective , jubilant, proud, content and fulfilled. With all the craziness that was surrounding me, there was a lot of people I prayed for that night. I offered it to my parents, who wanted me to be a doctor, I failed them but with the test, i felt at least I eased a little of their discontent. I asked the Lord to bless my bestfriend, my husband, children, siblings and friends for I know I am who I am because of the great love and support they have for me.
Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because when I was getting married, I wrote Manang Janete to ask for her blessing, because she was helping my parents with my schooling. I thought it was just proper. She was not happy, my family has always grand plans for me, we exchaged hurtful words and a shouting match, but in the end she was supportive, telling me that, she was not against me, my future husband or me being happy, but she was disappointed because she thought I could do more with my life - be a doctor, a lawyer or a journalist. But mind you, she came home for the wedding, was in all the planning stages,telling me what to do, even bought me a diamond and pearl earing stud. But most of ALL,NEVER MAKING MY HUSBAND FEEL UNWANTED.
So, after so much reflecting, I realized, I did not take that test for anything. I realized I did it for my parents, my husband and just pure personal fulfilment, for I do not need it for propesterous and ambitious gains. Then, like a eureka moment, I realized, this is for my loved ones especially people I have disappointed getting married early in life. It was for Manang Janette for believing in me, trusting me, letting me know that I can be anybody I want if I put my heart into it. I am now Bernadette Ambiong LLaga, MT ASCP, but my Inang should be too, so is Manang Janette, same with my husband, my sisters and brothers, and my children. Thank you Manang Janette, we share my license to pratice Medical Technology anywhere in the US.
I try not to be superflous with my description of her, but that would be a disservice to a great person.I have come to admire her, for all that she has been through, I do not know if I can even endure half of it. But I am confident in the thought that I do have her when darkness do come. I will have a guiding light and leading hand ushering me towards the light .
Family and friends, I share with you the joy of having a wonderful person in our midst. I am vey happy that we all can be touched by a loving sister or friend. Life would never be the same if we do not hear Manang Janett's thunderous laugh, her signature smile and not to mention, her " tayo-tayo" lang parties, which turns out to be 100 people or more. Yes, in deed, we all go on with our busy life but one in a while we get calls from her, nothing important, just dropping by.So, this is the night for Manang Janette, an opportunity for us to savor the moment with her, so that in our solitude, we relish about how she can make us all laugh and cry at the same time.
To you Manang, my family loves you, you are Mamu Janette. "Can we go see Mamu Mommy?" is always a question whenever we have a three day weekend. Thank you for your unending love and support, may your blessings continue to fluorish and life be good.
I never intended to make my speech longer that 1 minute , so bear with me. Thank you Manang for being my sister, they say you can choose your friends but not your family, but if I have to choose, I will still choose what I have now...., we may not be a lot of things but we are family, always knowing who we are and never embarrased of our humble beginnings.... but most of all, I will still choose the the same family simply because I have a Manang Janette......
Thank you all and I love you Chris!
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