- Stop being offended.
- Let go of your need to win.
- Let go of your need to be right.
- Let go of your need to be superior.
- Let go of your need to have more.
- Let go of identifying yourself on the basis of your achievements.
- Let go of your reputation.
Waaaa, I have a loooong waaay to go... especially with this:
Let go of the need to want more."
How can I? Tell me, help...join me, encourage me.. be with me!
Can you?
I am challenging you, it is easy...
Yes you. Oh yeah, you. Do not hide. I know you. Deep down, you want to do good, be good.
Let us hurdle this together, yes, I mean you and me, not them, US!
Winky wink!
I'll stick with my own dogma:
"It's ok to live well as long as you do good..." A despicable excuse to bury myself with the indignant consumer driven living organism(s) of the world... yes.. that's you, and them and ME! Oh yes, I did call you that... organism... a microcosm of little minded living thing.
I know I have some maturity to do, but hey, I need my NARS, my Lancome, my Coach, my Lacoste , my facial treatments, my trips and my restaurant binge... high tea anyone? Meet me at The Four Seasons....
Oooops... this is meant to be satirical, only because I do not want to bolster my depression by getting serious with my writing today! So there, be bold, be beautifu! Eyeloveit!
By the way, I promise to write about this "seriously". When I have accomplished the 7 ways... oh dear!
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