Saturday, October 24, 2009

Life worthwhile

"The purpose of life is not just to live it, but to have something worthwhile to live for."
I have been struggling  to fight the urge of commenting to this one liner but, hey here I am. I do not apologize for the melodrama and the angst of my writing to day. Nor, do I need to explain any further what my mediocre expression in writing can surmise to expand.
We always hear
" purpose of life"

What is it though? There are countless materials we can dig into to nourish our thirsty " dry -tap" brains. In fact if you google ( yes, I use google) " purpose of life" you come up with thousands of pages and websites.. from scientifc to religious to pathetically sadistic attack on the supposed purpose of "it".
... to be continued... kinda too early to be thinking this road hehhe!

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