Monday, September 2, 2013

Cousins Part 2

In the grand scheme of family dynamics, there seems to be a special bond for cousins that's inexplicable. 

No fights, no differences and no groups of friends can break the cousin bond! Even when the Oldies fight, if you know what I mean. All I know is that, cousins are the brothers and sisters you wish you had--- without the "I told you so" part. 

I'm sure there are families out there who have misunderstandings but most often than not, the fight seems to spare the cousins. Siblings fight, but the cousins stick together. I wish this on my kids and their cousins. I know they are already but I still keep praying they will remain that way.

Alright, alright! All I'm trying to say is--- I wish Joei, AJ, Dimple, Andrei and the Ambiong cousins in the Philippines can be in one city, it would make my life easier and sweeter--- the calm and serene feeling of knowing your family is close by can not be replaced by a limited edition car or a Macmansion house or 6-times a year travel to the homeland.

For now, I'm just content with Precious and Jem! My precious gems who love their cousins and whom my Three Little Monkeys love so much.
How about you? What do you fervently pray at night? What gives you peace?

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