dead, in all their wide smiles.

Anyone can check photos on line for details of the craziness of that day, so let me not go into details regarding that. What I want to share is my experience on the road. I was with my kids, I do not know if that is good or not. I just know it felt safe thinking they were with me. It was fun for them in the beginning, they became restless later. But what we have seen and experienced is truly an eye opening experience. There was a lot of love on the road that day, specifically I-93.
People getting off from their cars, offering to clean someone else's because their wipers are not working, or simply offering to pour ice melts on their windshields. There is this guy who offered his "bright" light so the guy in front ( small car) can see far ahead. You see the muscle cars block the way, and with zero visibility because of the snow, there is a lot of danger. One car I guess, was out of gas, a construction man ( I can tell, by his service truck) offered his ammunition of gas in his load.

See the guy, holding an umbrella? He is helping the other car start!
Meanwhile as we inch closer to the Longwood Medical Area, there is a car that was just totally stopped, turns out his battery went kaput! Again, a man offered his car jumper to spark his battery to make the car start again, whoala! You can hear the clanking sound but hey, engine is running! At the Orchard School, two ambulances were stuck, there is this huge FedEx delivery van that completely closed the road, they had to move one patient to the other service, everyone cleared the back road so the ambulance can reach Longwood Medical! How cool is that? One road totally opening up! It was sad seeing a few school bus still on the road, but people were still smiling, i am sure very tired and annoyed, at one point someone blared their Christmas music so the kids on the school bus can sing along! Beat that! I bet there were others that did not witness, and I did a couple of "angel" works too, but that is not for me to write but the next person... beside, my angel saw it. I do not have to write about it. It is already written, in the bookpages of " Bernadette's good deed of the Day".
That is outside. Let me tell you about a beautiful thing that had happened inside the car. We were tuned in to a Christmas Station and they were doing their annual Wish-A-Ton, for sick kids. What it is, people call and pledge money so that the foundation can grant the wishes of kids stricken with cancer. I always try to allocate $300 of our meager family income to charitable causes, it varies,I donate into cultural charities, sometimes for the Philippine's Bantay Bata. I have a soft spot for child advocacy. The lady DJ said ' We know you must be stuck in there, but if you have access to a cellphone, you can join us and be a part of this great thing..." or something to that effect. My kids, almost at the same exact moment said, " Mom, we should do that!" Oh yeah, while navigating the icy trek, they want me to call! Christoper said he would dial the phone and speak with them, that they would love to put their name on the donation. I was so scared of the road that I told them I can not concentrate. They let it go, but again, the station announced that whatever donations we give will be matched by Bank of America... and my son's face lit up. He said that even if we give $10 each ( $50 for the whole family), it will be great because, it will then be $100. With that who can let go of that brewing generosity inside a child? I told them to call and that we are donating. They were able to get on the phone and all this time he gave them details of our " little" donations. I saw his eyes sparkle as he was speaking to them. He was so happy he was helping, at the same time he knows someone will be happy too. Wish granted! Granted for him and me. For that is my wish, for my kids to grow up socially responsible and selfless. Knowing that they are able to share whatever little thing we have is a good start for me.
As they say, you can choose to see things differently. I choose to focus on the beauty of the world, the innate goodness of everyone. I know darkness lurks and is ready to attack anytime but what good will it do to you if you are closing your world because of that fear. There is always something beautiful about a person or situation, let us focus on that!
Wish granted!
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